How much is the average annual rent for villas in Gafat Al Nayyar?
The average rent of villas listed in Gafat Al Nayyar is around AED 104,824. Factors such as villa’s size, type, condition, etc. can impact the rental price.
How many rental homes are currently being offered in Gafat Al Nayyar?
Currently, Bayut has 16 villas listed for rent in Gafat Al Nayyar.
What is the asking range for rents of villas available in Gafat Al Nayyar?
The current rent of a villa listed on Bayut in Gafat Al Nayyar ranges between AED 70,000 and AED 150,000.
Which reputable schools are near Gafat Al Nayyar?
If you are looking for top-rated schools near Gafat Al Nayyar, consider the following:
- Brighton College Al Ain
- Grace Valley Indian School (GVIS) Al Ain
- Mohammed Bin Khalid Al Nahyan (MBK) School
Are there any well-known nurseries in proximity to Gafat Al Nayyar?
You can find the following among the well-known children's nurseries in proximity to Gafat Al Nayyar:
- House of Colours Nursery
- Sunflower Nursery
- Kids Land Nursery
Which neighbouring areas of Gafat Al Nayyar can be explored for renting villas?
These areas close to Gafat Al Nayyar offer rental villas:
- Al Rawdah Al Sharqiyah
- Al Iqabiyyah
- Al Maqam
Which agencies list the most villas for rent in Gafat Al Nayyar?
Based on the listing volume, the following property agencies are in the lead:
- Top Closers Real Estate
- Ektara General Contracting And Real Estate
- Bright Tower Real Estate