on 19th of February 2025AED65,000YearlyOfficeArea:505 sqftFully Fitted | Furnished | Office | For Rent | France Cluster | International CityQ-09, France Cluster, International City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 19th of February Email Call
CheckedAED90,000YearlyOfficeArea:820 sqft820 Sq Ft | Ready TO MOVE IN office in SIT Tower only Aed:90KSIT Tower, Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO), DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 15th of February Email Call
AED561,850YearlyOfficeArea:6,610 sqft360 VIEW | FULL FLOOR | WITH ROOF TOP | SHELL AND CORECapital Golden Tower, Business Bay, Dubai Email Call
AED120,000YearlyOfficeArea:1,158 sqftOFFICE FOR RENT | 04 PARTITIONS | PANTRY & TOILET | READY TO MOVE INLe Solarium, Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO), Dubai Email Call
AED650,000YearlyOfficeArea:7,800 sqftFull Floor | Chiller Free | High Floor | VacantDonna Tower 2, Donna Towers, Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO), Dubai Email Call