on 26th of February 2025AED500,000YearlyTownhouse45Area:3,164 sqftBrand New | Prime Location | Modern LivingDistrict One Villas, District One, Mohammed Bin Rashid City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 26th of February Email Call
AED395,000YearlyTownhouse24Area:2,858 sqft2Br + Maid / Town House / Pool / Furnished / RentMAG 22, Nad Al Sheba Gardens 1, Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai Email Call
CheckedAED380,000YearlyTownhouse56Built-up:2,718 sqftPlot:3,362 sqftSPACIOUS ! HUGE TOWNHOUSES ! CALM COMMUNIY ! STATE OF ART STRUCTURE AND AMINITIES ! EASY REACHABLE ! LAST WORD OF LUXURY180 Degrees Villas, Liwan, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 7th of November Email Call
CheckedAED420,000YearlyTownhouse34Built-up:3,844 sqftPlot:2,323 sqftBrand New | 3 Bed | Furnished | Nad Al Shiba 1MAG 22, Nad Al Sheba Gardens 1, Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 26th of February Email Call
CheckedAED380,000YearlyTownhouse24Area:1,747 sqftBest Home | Brand New | Private PoolMAG 22, Nad Al Sheba Gardens 1, Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 21st of February Email Call