on 4th of March 2025AED240,000YearlyTownhouse33Built-up:2,455 sqftPlot:2,743 sqftExclusive > Private Garden > Vacant NowThe Springs 9, The Springs, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 4th of March Email Call
on 27th of February 2025AED240,000YearlyTownhouse33Built-up:2,450 sqftPlot:3,517 sqftEND UNIT | BIG PLOT | SPACIOUS BACKYARDThe Springs 14, The Springs, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 27th of February Email Call
CheckedAED230,000YearlyTownhouse33Area:2,304 sqftWell Maintained | Landscaped Garden | Huge PlotThe Springs 7, The Springs, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 9th of March Email Call
CheckedAED230,000YearlyTownhouse33Built-up:2,258 sqftPlot:3,730 sqftBest Springs | Standard Unit | Vacant MarchThe Springs 1, The Springs, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 28th of February Email Call
on 11th of March 2025AED209,000YearlyTownhouse23Built-up:2,244 sqftPlot:2,562 sqftVACANT | TYPE H-MIDDLE | AVAILABLEMaeen 4, Maeen, The Lakes, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 11th of March Email Call