on 23rd of February 2025AED58,000YearlyApartment11Area:602 sqftCHEAPEST | 1Bed | Vacant | View TodayZahra Breeze Apartments 3A, Zahra Breeze Apartments, Town Square, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 23rd of February Email Call
AED57,999YearlyApartment11Area:657 sqftSPACIOUS | UNFURNISHED | 1 BEDROOM |Zahra Breeze Apartments 4A, Zahra Breeze Apartments, Town Square, Dubai Email Call
AED215,000YearlyApartment33Area:2,732 sqftHUGE LAYOUT | UNFURNISHED | AVAILABLETrinity, The Park Villas, DAMAC Hills, Dubai Email Call
on 3rd of March 2025AED220,000YearlyApartment34Area:2,843 sqftLarge Terrace | Golf Views | Unfurnished | VacantGolf Promenade 3B, Golf Promenade 3, Golf Promenade, Golf Town, DAMAC Hills, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 3rd of March Email Call
CheckedAED210,000YearlyApartment34Area:2,816 sqftVACANT SOON | SPACIOUS | 2 PARKINGGolf Panorama A, Golf Panorama, Golf Town, DAMAC Hills, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 28th of February Email Call