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Delta English School



 Delta English School (DES) is a distinguished educational institution in the Muwailih Commercial area of Sharjah. The school was founded in 1992 by Delta Education System, a US-based education body. It is one of the first schools in the country to be affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. The school is known for its high standards of education and diverse student pool, and its primary goal of DES is to offer top-grade education at an affordable cost. Delta English School is also considered one of the top schools in the emirate of Sharjah.

Delta English School has two programmes in operation, called the Delta Instruction Quality (Delta IQ) and the Student Success Program (SSP). Students from all walks of life attend Delta English School to get an international educational experience.

The school believes that having a multicultural environment can help cultivate social and cultural skills, which are essential to the overall development of the students. The motto of Delta English School is Our Differentiation Molds Innovators. DES strives to accomplish this by recognising and nurturing uniqueness in its students. Consequently, students become global citizens willing to contribute to the wider community.

Read the Delta English School Sharjah review by Bayut to learn more about the school.

Residential Communities near Delta English School

Located in Muwailih Commercial Sharjah, Delta English School is near several family-friendly neighbourhoods. Here are some of the closest residential areas near Delta English School.

The school is adjacent to Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road (E311). Parents looking to live closer to Delta English School can consider these housing options:

Campus of Delta English School

The Delta Education System cemented its roots in the private education sector with the inception of Delta Nursery in 1989. Delta English School came into being in 1992 and offered classes from Kindergarten to Grade 4 with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curriculum.

Initially situated in Ghafiya next to Al Shaab sports club, the campus relocated to the Maysaloon area in 1996 and consisted of three blocks: Administration block, Kindergarten block and Grades 1 to 6.

To further facilitate the growing student population and accommodate classes from kindergarten to Grade 12, the school built a state-of-the-art campus in Muwailih Commercial, where it finally found its new home in September 2009.

Of the many facilities DES offers its students, notable amenities are the Earnest Hemingway Library, the Delta English School Media Hub, and the student activity centre. The students use these during school hours.

Library at DES
The library at DES is extremely well-stocked (Image credit: Delta English School Facebook Page)

Location of Delta English School

Delta English School’s location is S116 Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Road, Muwailih Commercial Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Why Delta English School?

Affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), DES is one of the top Indian curriculum schools in Sharjah. The strength of the Delta Education System lies in its unique programs- namely Delta IQ and the SSP. These programmes aim to improve upon traditional teaching techniques through tools such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL), student research, intra-group discussions, etc.

The SSP has launched over 50 Advanced Curricular Enhancements (ACE) to improve college and career readiness. Some ACE initiatives are:

  • Student Governance
  • Athletics
  • Debate Programs
  • Honour Societies
  • Clubs
  • Horticulture
  • Creative Writing
  • Scouting and Guiding
  • Performing Arts
  • Campus Internships
  • Community Service Assignments

Students’ participation in these initiatives is assessed on a five-point grading scale. This assessment does not affect their overall academic evaluation. DES utilises an in-house software called Performa to evaluate students’ academic and non-academic progress.

Delta English School is home to the Earnest Hemingway Library, which contains over 20,000 books. 95% of its collection is imported from the United States. The library also has an impressive array of encyclopedias, world maps and magazines, such as National Geographic, Times, etc.

Students at Delta English School
There are various activities for students at DES (Image credit: Delta English School Facebook page)

School Details

Grades Offered at Delta English School

DES is a K-12 (Kindergarten to Grade 12) school affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.

Delta English School Curriculum

The school’s syllabus prepares students for examinations and life after school. For this purpose, Delta English School has infused its curriculum with course material that teaches necessary life skills by adopting the following five core elements:

  • Content Knowledge: Delta English School’s curriculum concentrates on Language, Arts, Mathematics, Science, Economics, World Languages, Accountancy, Business and Information Technology.
  • 21st Century Themes: Every student at DES will be educated on relevant 21st-century themes throughout their courses, such as Global Awareness, Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy and Civic Literacy.
  • Learning and Innovation Skills: DES’ curriculum is designed to incorporate and encourage Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration in students.
  • Information, Media and Technology Skills: Through Information Literacy, Media Literacy and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Literacy, DES equips students to transform big ideas into realities.
  • Life and Career Skills: Delta English School teaches relevant college and career readiness skills into the curriculum, such as Flexibility and Adaptability, Initiative and Self-Direction, Social and Cross-Cultural Skills, Productivity and Accountability, and Leadership and Responsibility.

Visit the school’s updated resource page to learn more about the curriculum.

Academic Calendar for DES

The school year at Delta English School takes place from April to March. The summer semester spans from April to Mid October and the winter semester from Mid October to March. Summer holiday commences in July and concludes in August. Winter holiday begins in the third week of December and concludes in the first week of January.

View the academic calendar of Delta English School for more details of the activities and events planned for the school year.

Dubai Transactions

Admission and Fees

How to Apply to Delta English School?

DES has an Admission and Review Committee (ARC) in place that overlooks the entire admission process for the school. The ARC considers students’ grade transcripts, involvement in extra-curricular and community activities, personal talents, honours and awards of prospective candidates.

The admission process at DES is simple and consists of four steps. They are:

  1. Ask: Parents can inquire further about Delta English School by filling out the inquiry form.
  2. Apply: On clicking the ‘Helios’ button on the landing page of the website or clicking Online Admission, parents can submit their children’s Candidate Profile which is the primary admission application for the school.
  3. Assess: The prospective student will have to go through a Knowledge and Skills Assessment Session (KSA), Pre-Admissions Clearance Examinations (PACE) and a personal interview.
  4. Accept: The school will send successful students an Admissions Offer Letter (AOL).

Parents should produce an attested birth certificate at the time of admission. If the child’s birth certificate is yet to be attested, parents can upload an unattested equivalent which should then be replaced with the attested copy within 30 days of admission to the school. The attestation criteria based on regions are highlighted here.

However, before initiating the admission process, you must ensure that your child meets the following age criteria.

GradesMinimum Entry AgeMaximum Entry AgeMinimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
KG 1
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
KG 2
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 1
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 2
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 3
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 4
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 5
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 6
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 7
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 8
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 9
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 10
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 11
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 12
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*

This is based on the age of the students on 31st March (for schools beginning in April). Source: Delta English School

* This is to cater to students transferring from systems that admit students of a younger age)

Fee Structure at DES

Parents can pay the Delta English School fees in 10 instalments, with each instalment constituting one month.

Essential guidelines to keep in mind during the fee payment process:

  • Fees are due on or before the 5th of every month. Failure to pay the fee by the 5th will result in the suspension of the transportation service.
  • The school discourages holding fees in arrears. DES will remove the student’s name from the roster if the fee is not paid by the 25th of the month. The student will then have to go through the admission process again to enrol in the school.
  • Parents have to pay the transportation fee with tuition and other applicable fees. This sum should be paid in full, part-payments are discouraged.
  • Fee payments are made to the Office of the Bursar. Modes of payment at Delta English School include cash, personal check, credit card, electronic fund transfer or online credit card payment.

For information regarding Delta English School Sharjah fee structure for each grade, parents can contact the school directly at +971-6-535-9244

Scholarships at DES

Currently, there are no scholarship schemes available at Delta English School.



Lunch Options at DES

Students are encouraged to bring packed lunches from home. An allotted lunch break comes into effect in the middle of the day for students to have their lunch. However, there is a canteen where students can buy snacks and lunch items.

School Transportation at Delta English School

The transportation at DES is managed by Momentum, which is the school’s transportation office. Students residing in Sharjah, Ajman, Dubai and Umm Al Quwain can avail of the school transportation services. Transportation is charged every month and is to be paid with the school fees.

Parents must submit the Transportation Registration Form to enrol their child for the transport service. Keep these guidelines in mind while signing up for Delta English School’s transportation service:

  • The transportation fee should be paid prior to the 5th of every month. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the service effective immediately.
  • Since the transportation fee is calculated for the entire month, students who wish to opt out of the service during the month will not be eligible for refunds. Similarly, students wishing to avail the service for just one day of the month will have to pay transportation fees for the entire month.
  • Parents can change the bus stop via the school calendar.
  • Momentum will then send a Bus Stop Transfer Application Form for the parents to fill out and submit. Change in the bus stop will reflect after five business days.
  • Momentum predetermines the pick-up and drop-off points, and bus timings based on the Transportation Registration form submitted by the parents.
  • Parents are discouraged from contacting the bus drivers directly regarding matters, such as a change in the bus stop, cancellation of transportation services, etc.

To discontinue transportation services for their ward, the parents have to submit the transportation withdrawal form. Changes will come into effect in five business days.

Contact the school at +971 6 535 9244 for more information regarding transportation fees.

Holiday Camps at Delta English School

The Titan Globetrotters initiative by DES organises holiday camps in which students visit popular scenic destinations across the globe. The Titan Globetrotters arranged a tour to Singapore in March 2018 and Musandam Oman in 2019. Please note that the parents must bear the expenses for such trips.

Sports Facilities at DES

Delta English School has state-of-the-art sports facilities, including a basketball court, volleyball court, playground for primary and a sports ground for athletics. The school also has a dedicated play area for the little ones.

Extra-curricular Activities at DES

Delta English School Sharjah organizes an annual Kindergarten Graduation Day
DES organises a Kindergarten Graduation Day (Image Credit: DES School Sharjah Facebook Page)

Curated by DES’ SSP, some extra-curricular activities available for students are:

James Barrie Performing Arts Festival
Winter Bash
Transition Colloquium
Entrepreneur Competition
Annual Spirit Week
Junior Kindergarten 100th School Day
Eco Series
Health Lens
Honours Day
P2P Quest
Learning-centric Field Trips
Freshman Orientation
Visual Arts Fair
Titan Challenge
Career Day
Kindergarten Graduation Day

Contact the school for more information.

Field Trips from Delta English School

DES organises educational excursions for the students regularly. Some memorable field trips organised by the school are visits to:

Students of Delta English School visit various locations in Sharjah such as the Sharjah Classic Cars Museum
Delta English School arranged a field trip to Sharjah Classic Cars Museum (Image Credit: DES School Sharjah Facebook Page)

After-school Care Facilities at DES

DES currently does not offer specific after-school care for its students. They are, however, encouraged to participate in various extracurricular activities organised by the school, which sometimes operate beyond school hours.

Medical Care at Delta English School

DES has a well-equipped medical clinic, called The Osler Health Centre, on its premises. A primary care physician and a full-time nurse take care of students needing medical attention.

Every student will undergo a brief physical examination and routine medical checkups. In a medical emergency, The Osler Health Centre will contact parents. The school will take the student to Al Qassimi Hospital or Kuwait Hospital.



Mode of Communication between Teachers and Parents

Delta English School Sharjah sends out an electronic Quarterly Assessment Performance Report (QAPR) and the Titan Multi-Lateral Assessment Profile (MAP) to inform parents and students of performance alerts.

DES keeps parents informed and up-to-date through:

  • Monthly Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Newsletters
  • Appointment-based meetings
  • Workshops
  • Parent Council
  • Open Houses

Delta English School Contact Information

Note that the cover image belongs to Delta English School Sharjah.


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