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Al Yasat Private School, Abu DhabiSchool

Al Yasat Private School, Abu Dhabi



Established in 1992, Al Yasat Private School is a leading co-educational private school that offers the American curriculum. It is one of the oldest American schools in Abu Dhabi.

Al Yasat relocated from Abu Dhabi City to Al Shamkha to include more classes and campus facilities. The school currently offers education from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and has over 1,000 students. Classes are split into Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High schools.

Al Yasat Private School is accredited by AdvancED and Cognia, which ensures continuous performance improvement. Al Yasat provides lessons in Arabic, Islamic Studies, and UAE Social Studies in compliance with the UAE Ministry of Education requirements.

The school’s world-class campus, qualified teaching staff and high academic standards make for a unique and top-notch educational experience.

Residential Communities near Al Yasat Private School

Al Yasat Private School is based in Sector SH 10, Plot P1, Al Shamkha. Family-friendly communities near the campus include:

Al Shamkha is a redeveloped community featuring residential apartments and villas. Parents looking to move closer to the school can consider:

Campus of Al Yasat Private School

The purpose-built Yasat Private School campus features world-class amenities such as:

  • Auditorium/Theatre
  • Robotics lab
  • Food technology lab
  • Chemistry lab
  • Biology lab
  • Swimming pool
  • Television studio
  • Sports hall
  • Fashion design workshop
  • Carpentry workshop
  • UAE culture & heritage club
  • Music band
  • Library
  • Canteen
Recording studio at the school
Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities (Image Credits: Al Yasat Private School)

The school library houses an extensive collection of books and publications for students and the faculty. It also has a reading room, a periodical section, a stack area, a reference section and an information desk.

The Kindergarten section comes with interactive whiteboards, an indoor play area and an outdoor play area. The outdoor play area is used for water play, sand play, mark making and small world play. Students enjoy spending time at the role-play village, indoor climbing wall, organic garden, multi-sensory room and water-play area.

Outdoor water play section
Dedicated outdoor water play section (Image Credits: Al Yasat Private School)

Location of Al Yasat Private School

Al Yasat Private School is located in Al Shamkha, Abu Dhabi.

Why Al Yasat Private School?

Al Yasat Private School is a co-educational K-12 school that delivers education based on the US Common Core State Standards Curriculum. The school also provides lessons in Arabic language, Islamic Studies (for Muslim students) and UAE Social Studies as mandated by the Ministry of Education.

A wide range of extracurricular activities complements the curriculum to promote students’ cognitive and holistic development. Programmes such as television journalism, introduction psychology and STEM learning are available. Plus, active participation is encouraged in sports activities to maintain physical fitness and health.

Initially established in 1992 in Abu Dhabi, the school relocated to a new campus in Al Shamkha that features world-class amenities such as a robotics lab, a food technology lab, a fashion design workshop, a carpentry workshop and more.

The school has also received full accreditation from AdvancED and Cognia after a rigorous assessment of quality and education standards. Al Yasat continues to improve its teaching and learning through regular performance-based analysis.


School Details

Years Offered at Al Yasat Private School

Al Yasat Private School offers classes from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Classes are divided into the following sections:

Kindergarten KG1 – KG2
Elementary School Grade 1 – Grade 5
Middle School Grade 6 – Grade 8
High School Grade 9 – Grade 12

Al Yasat Private School Curriculum

Al Yasat delivers the US Common Core State Standards throughout the school. The curriculum meets the needs of the students. Ministry of Education (MOE) subjects are taught as well.

Kindergarten Curriculum

Students study the US Common Core State Standards and Core Knowledge Sequence at the kindergarten level, with the science curriculum aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Subjects taught at this level are:

  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Arts

The curriculum is based on five areas of learning:

  • Physical well-being and motor development
  • Social and emotional development
  • Approaches to learning
  • Language development
  • Knowledge acquisition and cognitive development

Students engage in first-hand understanding that helps them develop their skills and knowledge.

Elementary School Curriculum

Grade 1 to 5 students have access to the required resources. The staff follows the Common Core State Standards system. Additionally, specialist teachers conduct classes for Arabic, Islamic Studies, UAE Social Studies, Music and P.E.

At this level, the English Language Arts program focuses on improving students’ speaking, writing and listening skills. The curriculum incorporates STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) learning.

Middle School Curriculum

From Grade 6 to Grade 8, the curriculum focuses on building a foundation for success in high school. The curriculum aligns with American Common Core State Standards for English Literacy and Mathematics and the Next Generation Science Standards for Science. The standards followed throughout are:

  • Research and evidenced-based
  • Aligned with college and career expectations
  • Rigorous content and application of knowledge through higher-order thinking skills
  • Informed by other top-performing countries to prepare all students for success in our global economy and society

High School Curriculum

High School comprises Grades 9 to 12. Subjects taught at this level include:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science & Laboratory
  • History
  • Social Studies
  • Health & PE
  • Arabic
  • Fine Arts & Technology

These subjects form the basic curriculum to obtain a US diploma. Students have to choose between two electives (core and non-core) for each academic year.

ADEK Rating

The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) is a government entity for licensing all private education institutes. Through the Irtiqaa Programme, they carry out periodic evaluations of all schools and rate them based on six basic criteria as listed below:

  1. Quality of students’ achievement.
  2. Quality of personal and social development as well as innovation skills of the students.
  3. Quality of teaching and assessment.
  4. Quality of curriculum.
  5. Quality of student safety and well-being and the guidance and support provided to them.
  6. Quality of school leadership and management.
ADEK school ratings
ADEK school ratings explained

Al Yasat Private School was rated Good by ADEK during the 2018-2019 inspection. Key strengths of the school are:

  • Improved achievement in Arabic in KG
  • Middle managers’ and teachers’ commitment to professional development supported by senior leaders
  • The comprehensive protection, care guidance and support for students
  • Suitability of premises and facilities for all students, including those with special educational needs
  • An inclusive learning environment that promotes students’ good outcomes.

Al Yasat can further improve by:

  • Raising student’ attainment in all core subjects against national and international standards.
  • Improving attendance and punctuality of all students, especially in KG.
  • Ensuring greater parental engagement to support students’ learning.

Academic Calendar for Al Yasat Private School

A school year at Al Yasat is split into three terms.

  • The first term commences in the last week of August and ends in the second week of December, followed by a 3-week winter vacation.
  • The second term begins in the first week of January and ends in the last week of March. A 2-week spring break follows it.
  • The third term starts in the second week of April and concludes in the last week of June. Students then go on summer holiday for two months.

View the school calendar on the official website for details regarding events, holidays, and term breaks.

Dubai Transactions

Admission and Fees

How to Apply to Al Yasat Private School?

Al Yasat provides many opportunities to unlock every students’ true potential. To enrol your child at the school, follow the admissions process:

  • Before enrolment, parents can visit the campus to ensure that the school is a good fit for their child. This can be done by booking a school tour.
  • Fill out and submit the online application form.
  • The School Registrar will initiate contact within one business day. Parents can then submit the required documents as communicated by the Registrar.
  • An Admissions Representative will set up an online interview once documents are submitted.
  • Kindergarten applicants will be invited to the school for a visit to assess their cognitive and motor skills. Elementary, Middle and High School applicants will be tested in literacy and numeracy based on MAP testing.
  • The Admissions Department will communicate the outcome of assessments/interviews within one business day.
  • New students need to pay an application fee of AED 500

Ensure that your child meets the Age Requirements and Guidelines for each grade level as stated below:

GradeMinimum Entry AgeMaximum Entry AgeMinimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Kindergarten 1
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Kindergarten 2
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 1
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 2
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 3
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 4
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 5
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 6
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 7
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 8
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 9
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 10
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 11
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Grade 12
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*

This is based on the age of the students on 31st August (for schools beginning in September). Source: ADEK

* This is to cater to students transferring from systems that admit students of a younger age

For more information regarding the admissions process, contact +971-2-641-2300 or email

Fee Structure at Al Yasat Private School

Here’s an overview of Al Yasat Private School fee structure:

GradesAnnual Tuition Fee
KG 1 – KG 2 AED 32,780
Grade 1 – Grade 3 AED 37,100
Grade 4 AED 41,170
Grade 5 AED 40,710
Grade 6 AED 40,600
Grade 7 AED 43,670
Grade 8 AED 43,470
Grade 9 AED 51,800
Grade 10 AED 52,070
Grade 11 AED 52,020
Grade 12 AED 52,630

The fees mentioned above do not include the cost of uniforms, transportation and the compulsory purchase of a Chromebook for Grades 5-12.

Parents can pay fees annually or in instalments. Payments are due before the commencement of each term. Instalment guidelines followed by the school are:

  • Fall Term: 40% due on or before 25th August
  • Winter Term: 30% due on or before 25th December
  • Spring Term: 30% due on or before 25th March

Payments can be made via Cash, Card, Dirham Cheque, wire transfer, or post-dated checks**.**

Scholarships at Al Yasat School

Al Yasat High School’s Scholarship Program gives families a chance to provide their children with the best education.

Students who set high academic standards from Grades 9 to 12 are eligible for this scholarship. The scholarship is awarded based on:

  • Availability of places for all students, both current and new
  • The children or relatives of employees of the school or its subsidiaries are not eligible
  • There will be three scholarships for each of the above grades based upon the scholarship program’s terms and conditions.
  • Each awardee receives a 50% full scholarship.

Scholarships only cover tuition fees and do not cover transport, extracurricular activities, field trips, book fees or uniform costs.

To apply for the scholarship, applicants must:

  • Complete and submit the scholarship application form.
  • Submit the required documents:
    • Copies of your academic qualifications for the last two years
    • Proof of your involvement in extracurricular activities /community service/any other achievements in the previous two years.
    • Copies of other supporting documents
  • Provide the last three report cards.
  • Applicants’ report cards must show a minimum of 90% achievement in English, Mathematics and Arabic.
  • Selected applicants will be asked to sit for an online Mathematics and English test.
  • The scholarship committee will consider the results and make recommendations to the School Board, who will provide the final approval. All scholarships will bear the signature of the Chairman of the Board.
  • Scholarship winners must sign an undertaking to maintain a minimum of 90% academic achievement. Failure to do so will result in the loss of their scholarship.
  • Behavioural issues will also result in the loss of the scholarship.

The application deadline for submission of scholarship applications is 23rd February.



Lunch Options at Al Yasat School

The school has partnered with Baguette Catering Services & Restaurants to provide balanced and nutritious food. Al Yasat advocates healthy eating, which is evident from their menu options.

School canteen serves hot meals
Students can buy hot meals from the canteen (Image Credits: Al Yasat Private School)

Students use a cashless card system to buy lunch and snacks from the canteen.

School Transportation

Al Yasat School in Abu Dhabi provides safe and reliable transportation services. The fleet of 18 buses abides by the rules and regulations specified by the Department of Transport (DOT). Buses are fitted with RFID systems that enable student attendance confirmation and a GPS.

Transportation at Al Yasat
The school provides a safe bus service (Image Credits: Al Yasat Private School)

Students wishing to avail of the bus service must submit their applications by June. The service incurs an AED 5,000 annual charge.

Sports Facilities

Al Yasat encourages students to be physically active. The school is a member of the ADISSA sports league. Students also benefit from the various sports facilities available on-campus, such as:

  • Separate courts for basketball, hockey and football.
  • Indoor and outdoor playgrounds
  • Athletic tracks
  • Swimming pool
Football ground
The school houses a vast outdoor football ground (Image Credits: Al Yasat Private School)

Al Yasat students participate in interclass, interschool and annual sports events. Students can also sign up for swimming lessons offered by the school.

Extracurricular Activities at Al Yasat Private School

A range of activities and events complements the meticulous curriculum delivered at Al Yasat Private School. Cultural and literary clubs, music, arts, sports and more are covered in these extracurricular activities.

Football game at Al Yasat
Students playing a game of football (Image Credits: Al Yasat)

Some activities and clubs students can participate in include:

Television Journalism Business Leadership and Management Skills
Creative Writing Science, Innovation, Technology and the Environment
College Composition Drama and Film Production
Introduction to Psychology Digital Media
Introduction to Computer Programming Manual Arts- Carpentry
Application Design Nutrition and Health Sciences
Business Entrepreneurship Robotics and Engineering Lab
Students participating in Scouts and Band club
Scouts and Band Club members (Image Credits: Al Yasat Private School)

Field Trips from Al Yasat Private School

Educational visits are an integral part of the curriculum module followed at the school. Students visit historical or cultural significance locations, carnivals, entertainment parks, museums, and more.

Students visited science exhibitions and expos throughout the academic year, such as the Unified Robotics Expo and the MILSET Expo-Sciences International ESI in 2019.

Formula Ethara trip
Grade 5 students at the 2017 Formula Ethara in Yas Marina Circuit (Image Credits: Al Yasat Private School)

Other notable locations visited in the past include Grade 8’s trip to the Dubai Aquarium, Grade 6 visit to Heritage Village Abu Dhabi, Grade 7 visit to Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and visits to the Dubai Children’s International Film Festival.

After-school Care

Al Yasat does not provide dedicated after-school care. However, some extracurricular activities and clubs continue after school hours.

Medical Care at Al Yasat Private School

The school has a medical clinic on campus managed by qualified healthcare professionals. The facility caters to minor healthcare issues, arranges doctor’s appointments and manages students’ medication.



Mode of Communication between Teachers and Parents

Al Yasat Private School encourages active parental involvement in the school’s functioning. To stay up-to-date with the various activities at the school, check out the news and events section on the official website.

Al Yasat Private School Contact Information


Ratings & Reviews

5.0 out of 5.0
Based on 1 Review
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