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Al Ain English Speaking SchoolSchool

Al Ain English Speaking School



The Balfour Group set up al Ain English Speaking School (AAESS) in Al Muwaij’i in 1978. The British curriculum school offers classes from Foundation Stage to Sixth Form. The school has distinct blocks for Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, 2, 3 and Sixth Form.

Al Ain English Speaking School also houses various state-of-the-art facilities such as a swimming pool, ICT labs and a well-resourced library. AAESS is a truly inclusive school with additional support for students with different learning needs.

Residential Communities near Al Ain English Speaking School

Al Ain English Speaking School is located at Khalid Bin Sultan Street, Al Muwaij’i. Family-friendly communities near the school include:

  • Falaj Hazza
  • Al Owainah
  • Al Mnaizlah
  • Al Ugdat Al Mutawaa

The parent community is a scenic UNESCO world heritage site close to the Oman border. Parents looking to move closer to the school can consider:

Campus of Al Ain English Speaking School

AAESS boasts various world-class facilities to benefit students’ academic and co-scholastic needs.

  • 25m heated indoor swimming pool
  • Trainer pool
  • Football pitch
  • Sports hall (Indoor)
  • Training track (Indoor)
  • Play area (Outdoor)
  • Two ICT suites
  • Canteen
  • 500-seater auditorium
  • Health care facility

Location of Al Ain English Speaking School

Al Ain English Speaking School is based on Khalid Bin Sultan Street, Al Muwaij’i. The school is located on the border between UAE and Oman.

Why Al Ain English Speaking School?

Al Ain English Speaking School is an all-through school offering classes from Nursery to Year 13. AAESS was set up as a private educational institution.

AAESS students nurture and grow plants in the school
The school promotes holistic development of the students (Image Credits: AAESS)

AAESS has been inspected by the Abu Dhabi Department of Knowledge and Education (ADEK). In its latest inspection, the school received a Good rating, which is an improvement from its previous Acceptable rating.

AAESS is accredited by international examining bodies such as:

  • Cambridge International Examinations
  • AQA
  • Edexcel

Al Ain English Speaking School is an inclusive school. The school works overtime to ensure every student receives the education they deserve. Children with Individual Learning Needs (INL) or English Language Support receive specially curated learning programmes that support their education, such as English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Al Ain English Speaking School also participates in The Duke of Edinburgh International Awards. AAESS is currently the only school in Al Ain that provides this opportunity.


School Details

Years Offered at Al Ain English Speaking School

Al Ain English Speaking School offers classes from Foundation Stage (Early Years) till Sixth Form. The school is divided into the following sections:

Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery – Reception
Key Stage 1 Year 1 – Year 2
Key Stage 2 Years 3 – Year 6
Key Stage 3 Year 7 – Year 9
Key Stage 4 Year 10 – Year 11
Post-16 (A- Levels) Year 12 – Year 13

Al Ain English Speaking School Curriculum

Al Ain English Speaking School delivers the National Curriculum of England. It is a member of the Association of British Schools in the Middle East and the Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools (UK).

Students sit for SAT-style tests in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. They also take external GCSE and IGCSE exams in Year 10 and Year 11 and AS/A2-Levels in Year 12 and Year 13. They prepare for the Common Entrance Exams as well.

AAESS is also licensed by the UAE Ministry of Education and therefore teaches subjects such as Arabic Language, UAE Social Studies and Islamic Studies.

Core curriculum subjects are English, Mathematics, Science, ICT and Physical Education. Each section has its curriculum specifications.

Foundation Stage Curriculum

EYFS includes Nursery and Reception classes. At this level, the curriculum introduces a positive, stimulating and exciting learning experience for students. The syllabus is based on six areas of learning. They are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy (PSRN)
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the World (KUW)
  • Communication, Language and Literacy (CLL)
  • Physical development (PD)
  • Creative development (CD)

Students also take specialist subjects such as Music, Physical Education and Arabic.

Key Stage One Curriculum

For Year 1 and Year 2, the curriculum focuses on curating and developing existing and new skills. The teachers and support staff strive to provide a stimulating and creative learning experience for children and prepare them for the next stage of education.

Key Stage Two Curriculum

In Years 3, 4, 5, and 6, students learn the following subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • ICT
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art
  • SEAL
  • ESD
  • Music
  • Arabic
  • Physical Education
  • Islamic Studies (for Muslim students)

Key Stage Three Curriculum

KS3 comprises Years 7, 8 and 9. At the end of Year 9, students sit for the National Curriculum Tests set in the core subjects; Mathematics, English, and Science. In addition to the core subjects, students take on an additional Modern Foreign Language. They can choose between French, Arabic and Spanish. Students can also choose between science disciplines, including Biology, Chemistry and Physics. They also have classes in Physical Education (P.E).

Other subjects are:

  • Art
  • Geography
  • History
  • ICT
  • Islamic Studies
  • Music
  • Physical Education (PE)
  • Arabic Social Studies
  • Moral Studies.

Key Stage Four Curriculum

KS4 includes Year 10 and Year 11. At the end of Year 11, students take the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) Examination. GCSEs include these subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Science

Students must also choose five subjects from a range of options. These include:

Arabic Art & Design
Business Studies Drama
Economics English Language/Literature
English as Second Langauge Geography & History
ICT Islamic Studies
Mathematics Music
Modern Foreign Language Physical Education
Science Biology
Physics Chemistry

Sixth Form Curriculum

Sixth Form includes Year 12 and Year 13. Students take the AS/A-Levels at this level. The courses offered at this level qualify students for entrance into universities worldwide. Students can choose their subject specifications from a variety of subjects.

Subjects offered in Sixth Form are:

Chemistry Art & Design
Business Studies Drama
Economics English Language/Literature
English as Second Langauge Geography & History
Art Arabic & Islamic Studies
Mathematics Music
Modern Foreign Language Applied Information Communication Technology
Physical Education Physics
Psychology Sociology

ADEK Rating

The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) is responsible for rating all private education institutes. ADEK monitors the school’s commitment to providing high-quality service per regulations. Through the Irtiqaa Programme, they carry out periodic evaluations and ratings of all schools based on these six basic criteria:

  1. Quality of students’ achievement.
  2. Quality of personal and social development and innovation skills of the students.
  3. Quality of teaching and assessment.
  4. Quality of curriculum.
  5. Quality of student safety and well-being and the guidance and support provided to them.
  6. Quality of school leadership and management.

International evaluators use this scale with six quality levels:

ADEK school ratings
ADEK school ratings explained

Al Ain English Speaking School was rated Good by the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) during the inspection conducted in 2019-2020. This is an improvement from the school’s previous Acceptable rating.

According to the report, key areas of strength of the school are:

  • The impact of school leaders on improving students’ achievement in all subjects
  • Students’ relationships with each other and their teachers, behaviour and attitudes to learning
  • Students’ appreciation of Islamic values and their respect for the heritage and culture of the UAE
  • Care, welfare and safeguarding arrangements to protect students
  • The strong partnerships with parents and the community and the commitment of the governors towards the school

However, AAESS could further improve by:

  • Enhancing the quality of teaching and learning
  • Improving the effectiveness of middle leaders

Academic Calendar for Al Ain English Speaking School

The school year is split into three terms at AAESS. Term dates are as follows:

  • The first term starts in the last week of August and ends in the second week of December, followed by a 3-week winter break.
  • The second term starts in the first week of January and ends in the last week of March, followed by a 2-week spring break.
  • The third term starts in the second week of April and ends in the first week of July, followed by 2-month summer vacation.

For a detailed breakdown, parents can view the academic calendar.

Dubai Transactions

Admission and Fees

How to Apply to Al Ain English Speaking School?

AAESS accepts applications from Nursery till Year 13. Prospective applicants and parents are encouraged to contact the school office and schedule a tour before registration. School tours take place three days a week from 09:00 am to 11:00 am. To book a tour, contact +971-3-867-8636 or email at

To apply for admission:

  • Select the Admissions button on the official website. This will redirect to the Online Application. Then select New Application.
  • Read and accept the terms and conditions pop-up. Once this is complete, a Register New Family window will appear. Parents have to fill in and submit accurate information.
  • Parents will receive a notification with a registration number. The school will send an email to the registered email address as well.
  • Upon completion of the online application, parents are expected to send soft copies of the following documents to the admissions department’s email address:
    • Copy of child’s passport
    • One passport size photo of the child
    • Copy of the child’s school report from the current academic year (Year 11-13)
    • Copy of the IGCSE/AS result (Year 11-13)
  • The application will be processed when the school receives the required documents.
  • The school will send an email within two weeks of submitting a successful application confirming the assessment date. Once the assessment is complete, parents will receive an email regarding the outcome.

Parents can refer to the below-mentioned guideline to see a suitable group for their child.

YearsMinimum Entry AgeMaximum Entry AgeMinimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
FS 1
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
FS 2
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 1
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 2
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 3
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 4
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 5
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 6
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 7
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 8
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 9
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 10
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 11
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 12
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*
Year 13
Minimum Entry Age
Maximum Entry Age
Minimum Entry Age for Overseas Transfers*

This is based on the age of the students on 31st March (for schools beginning in April) and 31st August (for schools beginning in September).

* This is to cater to students transferring from systems that admit students of a younger age)

Fee Structure at Al Ain English Speaking School

Al Ain English Speaking School fees are paid in three instalments over the academic year. The fees structure for each year are as follows:

YearTerm 1 FeeTerm 2 FeeTerm 3 FeeTotal Fee
Term 1 Fee
AED 8,480
Term 2 Fee
AED 6,360
Term 3 Fee
AED 6,360
Total Fee
AED 21,200
FS2 – Year 2
Term 1 Fee
AED 10,680
Term 2 Fee
AED 8,010
Term 3 Fee
AED 8,010
Total Fee
AED 26,700
Year 3
Term 1 Fee
AED 11,336
Term 2 Fee
AED 8,502
Term 3 Fee
AED 8,502
Total Fee
AED 28,340
Year 4
Term 1 Fee
AED 11,664
Term 2 Fee
AED 8,748
Term 3 Fee
AED 8,748
Total Fee
AED 29,160
Year 5
Term 1 Fee
AED 12,604
Term 2 Fee
AED 9,453
Term 3 Fee
AED 9,453
Total Fee
AED 31,510
Year 6
Term 1 Fee
AED 12,972
Term 2 Fee
AED 9,729
Term 3 Fee
AED 9,729
Total Fee
AED 32,430
Year 7 – Year 9
Term 1 Fee
AED 14,652
Term 2 Fee
AED 10,989
Term 3 Fee
AED 10,989
Total Fee
AED 36,630
Year 10 – Year 11
Term 1 Fee
AED 16,000
Term 2 Fee
AED 12,000
Term 3 Fee
AED 12,000
Total Fee
AED 40,000
Year 12 and 13
Term 1 Fee
AED 17,312
Term 2 Fee
AED 12,984
Term 3 Fee
AED 12,984
Total Fee
AED 43,280

New enrolments are expected to submit a Registration Fee of AED 1,000. This will be refunded upon attendance. Bank details are as follows:

  • Bank Name: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB)
  • Branch: Main Branch, Al Ain
  • Account Name: Al Ain English Speaking School
  • Account No. : 386051920004
  • IBAN : AE900030000386051920004
  • Address: Near Emirates Post office, Al Ain
  • Currency: AED
  • Swift : ADCBAEAA

While making the payment, include the full name, child’s full name and year/grade.

Parents are required to email the transfer details or a copy of the receipt to the accounts department at



Lunch Options at AAESS

Al Ain English Speaking School has a large canteen. Students can get healthy and nutritious snacks, drinks and lunches from the cafeteria. The school promotes a healthy lifestyle and eating habits. Chocolates, biscuits, cakes, sweets, nuts, chewing gum and carbonated drinks are not allowed.

School Transportation at AAESS

AAESS offers a safe and reliable bus service for students. The transportation facility covers major routes in Al Ain and is paid for on a term basis. Charges for the same are as follows:

  • Nursery to Year 13:
    • First Term: AED 1,610
    • Second Term: AED 1,207.5
    • Third Term: AED 1,207.5
    • Total: AED 4,025

Parents can enrol their child for the transportation service by filling out and submitting the transportation application form.

For more information, contact the transportation department at or call +971-50-264-6570.

Holiday Camps at AAESS

Al Ain English Speaking School organises summer camps for students. Students can sign up for these camps and participate in various activities, ranging from sports activities to arts and crafts.

Sports Facilities

AAESS houses several state-of-the-art sports facilities to promote physical activity. Students benefit from:

  • 25m heated indoor swimming pool
  • Trainer pool
  • Football pitch
  • Indoor sports hall
  • Indoor training track
  • Outdoor play area
Swimming pool at AAESS
AAESS has a 25m swimming pool on campus (Image Credits: AAESS)

Extra-curricular Activities at AAESS

The curriculum offered at AAESS is enriched with a plethora of extracurricular activities. Students can participate in clubs, activities and events that contribute to their holistic and well-rounded development.

Students can select one activity for each term. Some activities they can choose from are:

Cricket & Football Art
Sign Language Fashion Club
Jewellery Making Design Technology

Extracurricular Activities (ECA) can be academic or sports-based. Students can participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – a challenging endeavour where students do volunteer work and embark on expeditions. Students are trained in camp craft, equipment and hygiene, food and cooking, first aid, emergency procedures, navigation and route-planning through these activities.

UAE National Day Celebrations
UAE National Day celebrations at AAESS (Image Credits: AAESS)

Field Trips from AAESS

As part of the ECA programme, AAESS organises trips and educational excursions throughout the school year. Students have the opportunity to opt-in for these trips that take place both within the UAE and abroad.

After-school Care at Al Ain English Speaking School

Some of the extracurricular activities at AAESS take place after school hours. ECAs are usually scheduled from 02:40 pm to 03:15 pm. Students can choose from various clubs and activities, including cricket, football, art, fashion and design technology.

Medical Care at Al Ain English Speaking School

The school has a dedicated health care centre managed by full-time nurses. The nurses are qualified and highly trained to tend to any injuries or illnesses during school hours.

The school hands out medical forms for the families to fill and submit. Parents are also expected to inform the school of unique health concerns. In emergencies, nurses tell the parents immediately and take the child to the nearest hospital. AAESS also conducts an annual immunisation program in partnership with the Al Ain School Health Department.



Mode of Communication between Teachers and Parents

AAESS promotes active parental involvement. The school firmly believes that children learn to become strong and independent individuals through the support of both parents and teachers.

AAESS sends out weekly Parents and Teachers Home Support (PATHS) letters. Parents can also find circulars and essential information in the dedicated publication called the Primary Tribune. The Tribune reports on insider scoop and news and documents the most happening events and activities. The school also has a dedicated parent portal.

Al Ain English Speaking School Contact Information

Note that the cover image belongs to Al Ain English Speaking School.


Ratings & Reviews

5.0 out of 5.0
Based on 1 Review
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1 year ago

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