CheckedAED40,000YearlyApartment12Area:732 sqft1 Bedroom Apartment | Greece Cluster | International City DubaiL-13, Greece Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 8th of March Email Call
CheckedAED43,000YearlyApartment12Area:721 sqft1BHK Apartment with Balcony for Rent in Greece Cluster, International City, DubaiL-13, Greece Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 6th of March Email Call
CheckedAED40,000YearlyApartment12Area:721 sqftUnfurnished - 1-Bedroom Apartment for Rent in France Cluster, International City!P-07, France Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 5th of March Email Call
on 7th of March 2025AED41,000YearlyApartment12Area:716 sqftSpacious 1-Bedroom Apartment for Rent in Morocco Cluster, International City – AED 41,000 (4 Cheques)I-08, Morocco Cluster, International City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 7th of March Email Call
CheckedAED39,000YearlyApartment12Area:743 sqft1 Bedroom With Balcony | Open View | Fully Secure Building | Rent | 39KS-08, Spain Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 2nd of August Email Call
CheckedAED39,000YearlyApartment12Area:732 sqftPersia Cluster | 1 Bedroom | Double Balcony | Open View | Rent | 39kM-03, Persia Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 13th of February Email Call
CheckedAED38,000YearlyApartment12Area:732 sqftONE BEDROOM APARTMENT IN PERSIA CLUSTER IC1 DUBAIN-08, Persia Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 6th of January Email Call
AED38,000YearlyApartment12Area:800 sqftROUND ABOUT VIEW ** LARGE APARTMENT ** WITH BALCONY ** STRAIGHT UNIT ONLY FAMILIES JUST IN 38kEMR-03, Emirates Cluster, International City, Dubai Email Call
CheckedAED41,000YearlyApartment12Area:716 sqftSUPERB OFFER | 1 BED ROOM | UPPER FLOORS-17, Spain Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 11th of March Email Call
CheckedAED39,999YearlyApartment12Area:732 sqftOne Bedroom Apartment For Rent In Greece Cluster L13 Ic Dubai,. ,.L-13, Greece Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 12th of March Email Call
CheckedAED42,000YearlyApartment12Area:721 sqft1BHK APARTMENT FOR RENT IN GREECE CLUSTERK-05, Greece Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 10th of March Email Call
CheckedAED40,000YearlyApartment12Area:732 sqftHot Offer | 1 Bedroom Apartment | Greece Cluster | Near By Bus Stop & Union Coop |L-13, Greece Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 10th of March Email Call
AED38,000YearlyApartment12Area:746 sqftREADY TO MOVE | ONE BEDROOM WITH DOUBLE BALCONY FOR RENTPersia Cluster, International City, Dubai Email Call
AED39,000YearlyApartment12Area:784 sqftSpecious One Bedroom For Rent In (RUSSIA CLUSTER)V-08, Russia Cluster, International City, Dubai Email Call
CheckedAED40,000YearlyApartment12Area:715 sqftONE BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN SPAIN CLUSTER FAMILY BUILDINGS-10, Spain Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 26th of February Email Call