What are the price ranges for off plan properties listed in BlueBell Residence?
You can find off plan properties in BlueBell Residence with prices ranging from AED 1,773 to AED 894,000.
How many off plan properties are available on Bayut in BlueBell Residence?
Bayut currently offers 688 off plan properties for sale in BlueBell Residence.
What is the estimated average cost for off plan properties listed in BlueBell Residence?
On Bayut, the average price of off plan properties listed in BlueBell Residence is AED 642,450. The prices of off plan properties can be impacted by the type, size, and location of the property.
Have recent market trends affected off plan property prices listed in BlueBell Residence?
Recent market trends on Bayut showcase a -4% change in off plan property prices in BlueBell Residence. Shifts in prices can be due to new developments and evolving market conditions.
Who are the leading real estate agencies for off plan properties in BlueBell Residence?
The following agencies hold the largest inventory of off plan properties in BlueBell Residence on Bayut:
- Multi Flags Real Estate
- Deals Real Estate
- Al Afdal Real Estate