Visiting Dubai: The laws and culture you should know
Dubai was recently named the world’s 7th most visited city, impressing over 14 million visitors just last year alone with the finest in fine dining, its luxurious nightlight, sandy beaches, incomparable shopping malls and once-in-a-life-time tourist attractions. Whether you want to spend your vacation jumping from a plane over Palm Jumeirah, camping in the desert or dancing at some the hottest nightclubs in the world, there is something for everyone in Dubai.
But as much as there are activities to partake in, there are some you should avoid during your time here. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you visit Dubai in order to respect the local culture.

Assess the dress
A common concern cited by those travelling to the UAE for the first time is how they’re going to dress. Especially for tourists coming from colder climes, the combination of Dubai temperatures and a modest dress code has many convinced they’ll melt into a puddle as soon as they step off the plane. Guidelines say that in public places such as restaurants and malls, shorts and skirts need to be of ‘appropriate length’ but it’s often safer and easier to just pull on a pair of trousers. Indoor areas are always air-conditioned anyway. When you’re on the beach or at the pool, the rules are more lenient; swimwear is accepted but should be appropriate. Topless sunbathing, it goes without saying, is not allowed.
The legal drinking age in Dubai is 21 and alcohol is only permitted is licensed areas. A simple Google search will reveal that there’s definitely a place for everyone in Dubai regardless of what you’re looking for. Just be respectful and aware when you are in hotel lobbies and taxis not to reveal that you’ve maybe had a few too many. If you’re in the emirate for the nightlife, a hotel apartment in the heart of Downtown will guarantee the city’s hottest spots are always on your doorstep.

Public Displays – to Avoid
Public Displays of Affection (PDA) between opposite-sex couples should be avoided. Kisses on the cheek as a greeting is generally accepted (or the jails in Dubai would be filled with very confused Europeans) and certainly handshakes shouldn’t cause problems. However, if you are a male it is advised you wait for a woman to extend her hand before going in yourself as most Muslim women tend to refrain from shaking hands.

Take advantage of the winter months
The best time to visit Dubai is somewhere between September and April. The summer months of June, July and August are certainly doable but maybe not as enjoyable for those unaccustomed to the heat. The UAE experiences high temperatures and humidity during the summer so if you do visit during the hot season, plan to spend most of your time indoors – but with the world’s largest mall, an indoor ski slope, an indoor theme park and three of the world’s 10 best waterparks all available, this won’t exactly limit your possibilities.
Consider Ramadan
If you are visiting the emirates during the summer months, check when Ramadan will be falling that year. The month of Ramadan, or ‘sawm’, is one of the five pillars of Islam where Muslims fast for around 30 days. It is an important time for Muslims and their faith but can be tricky for tourists as eating and drinking in public during daylight is prohibited.
The call to prayer

Regardless of how you spend your time in Dubai, at some point you will hear Adhan. Adhan, the call to prayer, is broadcast from the mosques to summon Muslims for their mandatory prayers. Since there are five prayers during the day, the Adhan is called out five times during the day, before each prayer. All of the amazing malls in Dubai also have prayer areas inside, so it is more than likely you will hear the Adhan at some point during shopping or dining at the mall.
Keep your cool
Swearing, even using that hand gesture, could land you a hefty fine so keep your temper in check when you’re in Dubai. If you need a way to cool off, consider finding your short-term accommodation in areas like the Marina to stay close to the watersports and JBR.