All About Umm Al Quwain Municipality Department
Like in any other city, the Umm Al Quwain Municipality Department plays a significant role in providing civic services to residents. The essential services by the UAQ Municipality are a function of the broader vision of the government. The primary goal is to work progress towards the collective good. Let’s look at the goals, services, strategies by the department in detail.
The Municipality of Municipal Affairs was in the first established in 1968. In accordance with the Amiri Decree No. 1 of 1975 issued by the late President His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Rashid Al Mualla, the Department performed its role. The Decree was amended in 2010.
Umm Al Quwain Municipality Department has outlined specific goals in four areas.
- Social: Delivery of quality basic services
- Economic: Maximum and judicious utilisation of resources and conservation, preservation, maintenance of natural resources.
- Infrastructure: Provide disaster resistant and environment-friendly infrastructure facilities.
- Local governance: Effective local governance through competent, responsible and accountable leaders.
UAQ Municipality has outlined objectives in specific areas of competencies:
- Urban Planning Sector
- Information Technology (I.T)
- Human Resource Management
- General Management
- Financial Accounting
- Agriculture Sector
‘Municipality Affairs and Urban Planning aims to achieve balanced urban development through the establishment of an integrated structure for the implementation of the national strategic planning plan, in addition to meeting the 2030 economic vision of the UAE.’
- Strengthening the spirit of institutional affiliation to achieve the objectives of the Municipality.
- Achieve outstanding results through teamwork.
- Maintain proficiency and professionalism to accomplish services and tasks according to the highest standards.
- Enhancing principles of learning and developing through benefiting from the experience of others in providing efficient services.
- Achieve transparency and professionalism responsibility at work.
The list of initiatives by UAQ Municipality include:
- Playing a role in planning, programming, monitoring, evaluation and project management and using the private sector for the implementation and delivery of services. Focus on development role and support the growth of the economy by supporting engineering offices, contractors and small and medium enterprises. In turn, this leads to job opportunities for Umm Al Quwain citizens.
- Enhancing regulatory frameworks and developing legislation with an aim to raise the efficiency and quality of services and projects. Updating and developing standards and specifications. Work on modernising and developing the methods of rehabilitation of suppliers.
- Diligently play the role of the government and the development role of the Economic Development Board by providing the strategic framework for government and private action. Unifying the efforts of government agencies towards a single vision. Work on e-government Authority in preparing technical, administrative and executive frameworks to develop government services and necessary partnerships.
- Develop policies on fee systems, retrieval methods, and user fees for utilities.
- Working on altering the structure of some services carried out by the UAQ Municipality and opting to switch to the private sector. Ensure to meet the standards of efficiency and effectiveness.
- Outsourcing services and projects and strengthening the internal capacity of the municipality to manage the services. This may include cleaning services, waste collection and recycling, maintenance services and guarding.
- Raising public awareness of the services provided by the municipality and appropriate living behaviours in green cities.
- Work on IT management and transform it into a department that supports the Umm Al Quwain Municipality Department’s strategy in management information systems and decision support.
- Focus on performance management and enhance work culture based on building effective work teams, good communication, mastery, learning and continuous development.
- Work on human resource development to ensure projects that impact citizens are delivered in an effective manner.
- Strengthen the administrative infrastructure of the Department of Umm Al Quwain to ensure coordination, procurement and tenders, public relations, follow-up and archiving and communication.
- Develop the municipality’s operations towards e-government, improving customer service systems and providing information.
- Commit to Government of Umm Al Quwain vision to build advanced policy management capacities capable of evaluating strategies and plans that enable different sectors to grow in harmony.

Here is the list of services provided by UAQ Municipality.
- Transporting wastes permit
- To whom it may concern certificates
- The release of food shipments to the emirate
- Temporary tent permit
- Request for environmental approval for industrial facility
- Request an ownership document based on proof of ownership document
- Qualifying contractors
- NOC of converting food from other outlets
- Issuing no objection certificates
- New waste container establishment
- Materials destruction permit
- Issuing replacement of utilisation contract
- Issuing maintenance permits
- Issuing completion certificate
- Issuing certified lease contracts
- Issuing certificate for export food stuff’s validity
- Issuing a building permits
- Issuance of veterinary export certificate
- Issuance of health card
- Foodstuff products releasing certificate
- Demolition permits
- Contractor replacement
- Consultant replacement
- Clearance of irregularities
- Analysing samples of foodstuff and drinking water
- Adoption of environmental services companies
The department of Urban Planning at works on the following areas:
- Request a grant land
- Rental of cattle farm request
- Rental of camel farm request
- Renew rental of cattle farm request
- Project initial acceptance
- Lease of public property request
- Land onsite investigation
- Land demarcation, gates levels and wall border
- Issue survey report for old properties
- Issuance of utilisation site plan request
- Issuance of site plan for heirs request
- Issuance of site plan for grant land request
- Issuance of purchase site plan request
- Issuance of ownership site plan request
- Issuance of lease site plan request for government land
- Gifted land request
- Extend unbuilt grant land request
- Extend lease of public property request
- Exchange grant lands request
- Division of utilised land request
- Division of purchased land request
- Division of owned land request
- Division of leased land request
- Division of granted land request
- Dispose of agricultural land request (granted)
- Check gates levels and wall borders
- Changing land usage request
- Changing building height request
- Change a grant land request
- Annexation of utilised land request
- Annexation of purchased land request
- Annexation of owned land request
- Annexation of leased land request
- Annexation of granted land request
- Add or edit on project initial acceptance
- Add land
- Add floor [or roof top]
- Issue survey report for ownership
Umm Al Quwain Municipality supplier registration process starts by submitting your form via the Umm Al Quwain municipality website.
Fill in the personal and business details including business name, contact and bank account details and more. Plus, the following documents need to be submitted as well.
- Trade licence
- PPT copies for all owners and shareholders including visa page
- EID copies for all owners and shareholders
- Account confirmation letter from the bank or recent bank statement
- VAT Certificate

Umm Al Quwain Municipality address is A Rawda area, Ahmed Bin Rashid Al Mualla Road, Building No 76.
You can call at +971-06-765-6145.
Planning a move to Umm Al Quwain? Here is a list of the most popular areas to rent in UAQ you can consider.
This concludes our overview of Umm Al Quwain Municipality. As one can see, the role of UAQ Municipality is greatly significant in managing the emirate on a day-to-day basis. As per the vision outlined by the government, the supervisory role of the Department has been admirable. In today’s prosperous UAQ, the contribution of the Municipality cannot be understated.
Title Image Credit: UAQ Municipality Official Website