Guest Blog: How to rise as a phoenix in Dubai real estate?
Let us start this article with a simple question, what does it take to become successful in the Dubai real estate market? Just as any other fluctuating market in the world, the Dubai property market has it's ups and downs. But if you're someone who has experienced the tribulations of a bearish market, how do you bounce back? Or in other words how to become a Phoenix?
As per the Greek mythology, a phoenix is a mortal bird that has the power to reincarnate from its own ashes. Some say it is a new being while others call it a reincarnation of its previous form, but that is not our point of debate today. Since it is mostly a myth, we don't need to prove its existence or debate over it but what we can do is learn from this mythology.
A phoenix symbolises the cycle of life, specifically business life. So how do we implement this ideology of a Phenoix to becoming successful in the Dubai real estate market? When the time and circumstances change, we need to adopt, develop and improve to stay relevant. When the world changes around us we have to change with it. Let's take a closer look at what it takes to become a success in the Dubai real estate market.
How to be successful in the Dubai real estate market?

The Dubai property industry is not just extremely competitive. It is also dynamic with constant changes. Change is not always easy - it can be quick or abrupt, out of our control and at most times misunderstood. The real estate industry of Dubai is similar. It is constantly changing. Over the years, there has been a huge paradigm shift in the industry and those who adapted to this shift are leading the industry today. Just like a Pheonix, many of the top real estate agencies in Dubai took the changes in the market as an opportunity to reincarnate and start fresh. But the big question is what about those who missed that opportunity for change? Is this end of the road? No, it isn't. In fact, it’s a fresh start that can bring about many new opportunities and possibilities. But what do you achieve after a fresh start? Well, there are a few changes that are needed. Here are a few tips on how to become successful in the property industry.
Adopt modern technologies
In the last 10 years, the modern world has moved towards online portals for everything. Whether it dresses, food and even real-estate, there are web portals for everything! A study reveals property portals collectively have more than 92% of the market. Take advantage of that; know the power of social media and use it to your advantage.
Invest In marketing
When the market is slow it is important to manage your expenses but one thing that you shouldn't cut back on is marketing. When the competition is high, you will need more outlets to reach your clients. You can achieve an optimum output level by using suitable marketing strategies that compliment your business model.
Employ the best people
You need to have the best team if you want to succeed in real estate. Either hire the best people or invest in your existing members and make the best team. Know the strengths and weakness of your people and work on them to maximise results and eliminate weaknesses. Create a work atmosphere that helps you and your people grow.

Build A Network
Networking is a powerful tool. The best market deals happen in collaboration with other industry experts. Know the current market trends, customer trends, investment behaviours, and other industry indicators.
Focus on creativity
Employ creativity in all the aspects of your business - marketing strategy, customer handling, content creation, people handling etc. Creativity shows your passion and your approach towards your business. These are some of the major areas you need to work on if you want to be successful in the Dubai real estate market.
Have Faith
The final thing to keep in mind to be successful in the Dubai real estate market is to have faith in the hard work you have put in. Inevitably change cannot be calculated and the hand of fate is unpredictable. People say you cannot avoid it, you cannot fight with it, and you cannot bypass it. But the one thing you can do is to invest time on yourself so that you can take control of whatever the situation is. And if you don't succeed at first, remember that you can rise from it, just like a Pheonix. Just make sure to prepare yourself for the future in all aspects.
About The Blogger: MUDDASSER AWAN

Muddasser Awan moved to the UAE in 2012. He's worked in various geographical locations and boasts a wealth of experience in multiple industries including financial analysis, banking and web publishing. Muddasser is on a journey to re-invent himself and is an advocate for improvement. He is also is a foodie at heart who loves to cook and is an avid cricket fan.
If you are new to the real estate industry, here are a few sales tips for first-time real estate agents. For more interesting property related updates and tips, stay tuned to the best property blog in the UAE - MyBayut!