Prayer times in Abu Dhabi for the month of December 2024
Salat is one of the five pillars of Islam and an essential part of every Muslim’s daily schedule. Knowing the correct prayer timings is crucial for Muslim residents in the UAE capital who want to pray five times a day. We present Abu Dhabi’s prayer timings for December 2024.
To ensure you don’t miss out on the daily prayers, bookmark this page to find the Abu Dhabi prayer times for 2024 easily. We will update this post every month to give you the most accurate daily prayer time in Abu Dhabi throughout the year.
Specific salah times in Abu Dhabi are observed during the day. These include the timing for Fajr (the first prayer before dawn), Dhuhr (the prayer after mid-day), Asr or Asar (the late afternoon prayer), Maghrib (the prayer at sunset) and Isha (the nighttime prayer).
Whether you want to know ‘what is the Friday salah time in Abu Dhabi?’ or ‘what time is the Isha prayer in Abu Dhabi?’ this is where you can find the details of monthly prayer timings in Abu Dhabi.
Before we move on to the schedule, here’s an overview of the Abu Dhabi Muslim prayer times for December 2024.
- Fajr Time Abu Dhabi: Fajr prayer time in Abu Dhabi in December 2024 falls between 05:28 am to 05:44 am.
- Dhuhr or Zuhr Time Abu Dhabi: Dhuhr prayer time in Abu Dhabi is 12:14 pm at the start of the month and 12:28 pm at the end.
- Asar Time: Asar prayer time in Abu Dhabi will be from 03:14 pm to 03:26 pm.
- Maghrib Time Abu Dhabi: Maghrib prayer time in Abu Dhabi will start at 05:36 pm at the beginning of the month and reach 05:48 pm by the end of the current month.
- Isha Time in Abu Dhabi: Isha prayer time in Abu Dhabi this month will start from 06:54 pm and move to 07:07 pm by the end of the month.
The schedule below has the Azan time in Abu Dhabi for December 2024 and sunrise timings. So, if you’re searching for ‘prayer time in Abu Dhabi today,’ the table below will help you keep track of your daily prayers.
Here are the daily namaz times in Abu Dhabi for December 2024.
Georgian Date | Day | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Georgian Date 1st December | Day Sunday | Fajr 05:28 am | Sunrise 06:46 am | Dhuhr 12:14 pm | Asr 03:14 pm | Maghrib 05:36 pm | Isha 06:54 pm |
Georgian Date 2nd December | Day Monday | Fajr 05:29 am | Sunrise 06:47 am | Dhuhr 12:14 pm | Asr 03:14 pm | Maghrib 05:37 pm | Isha 06:54 pm |
Georgian Date 3rd December | Day Tuesday | Fajr 05:29 am | Sunrise 06:47 am | Dhuhr 12:15 pm | Asr 03:14 pm | Maghrib 05:37 pm | Isha 06:55 pm |
Georgian Date 4th December | Day Wednesday | Fajr 05:30 am | Sunrise 06:48 am | Dhuhr 12:15 pm | Asr 03:14 pm | Maghrib 05:37 pm | Isha 06:55 pm |
Georgian Date 5th December | Day Thursday | Fajr 05:31 am | Sunrise 06:49 am | Dhuhr 12:16 pm | Asr 03:14 pm | Maghrib 05:37 pm | Isha 06:55 pm |
Georgian Date 6th December | Day Friday | Fajr 05:31 am | Sunrise 06:49 am | Dhuhr 12:16 pm | Asr 03:15 pm | Maghrib 05:37 pm | Isha 06:55 pm |
Georgian Date 7th December | Day Saturday | Fajr 05:32 am | Sunrise 06:50 am | Dhuhr 12:16 pm | Asr 03:15 pm | Maghrib 05:37 pm | Isha 06:55 pm |
Georgian Date 8th December | Day Sunday | Fajr 05:32 am | Sunrise 06:51 am | Dhuhr 12:17 pm | Asr 03:15 pm | Maghrib 05:38 pm | Isha 06:56 pm |
Georgian Date 9th December | Day Monday | Fajr 05:33 am | Sunrise 06:51 am | Dhuhr 12:17 pm | Asr 03:15 pm | Maghrib 05:38 pm | Isha 06:56 pm |
Georgian Date 10th December | Day Tuesday | Fajr 05:34 am | Sunrise 06:52 am | Dhuhr 12:18 pm | Asr 03:16 pm | Maghrib 05:38 pm | Isha 06:56 pm |
Georgian Date 11th December | Day Wednesday | Fajr 05:34 am | Sunrise 06:53 am | Dhuhr 12:18 pm | Asr 03:16 pm | Maghrib 05:38 pm | Isha 06:57 pm |
Georgian Date 12th December | Day Thursday | Fajr 05:35 am | Sunrise 06:53 am | Dhuhr 12:19 pm | Asr 03:16 pm | Maghrib 05:39 pm | Isha 06:57 pm |
Georgian Date 13th December | Day Friday | Fajr 05:35 am | Sunrise 06:54 am | Dhuhr 12:19 pm | Asr 03:17 pm | Maghrib 05:39 pm | Isha 06:57 pm |
Georgian Date 14th December | Day Saturday | Fajr 05:36 am | Sunrise 06:54 am | Dhuhr 12:20 pm | Asr 03:17 pm | Maghrib 05:39 pm | Isha 06:58 pm |
Georgian Date 15th December | Day Sunday | Fajr 05:37 am | Sunrise 06:55 am | Dhuhr 12:20 pm | Asr 03:17 pm | Maghrib 05:40 pm | Isha 06:58 pm |
Georgian Date 16th December | Day Monday | Fajr 05:37 am | Sunrise 06:56 am | Dhuhr 12:21 pm | Asr 03:18 pm | Maghrib 05:40 pm | Isha 06:59 pm |
Georgian Date 17th December | Day Tuesday | Fajr 05:38 am | Sunrise 06:56 am | Dhuhr 12:21 pm | Asr 03:18 pm | Maghrib 05:41 pm | Isha 06:59 pm |
Georgian Date 18th December | Day Wednesday | Fajr 05:38 am | Sunrise 06:57 am | Dhuhr 12:22 pm | Asr 03:19 pm | Maghrib 05:41 pm | Isha 07:00 pm |
Georgian Date 19th December | Day Thursday | Fajr 05:39 am | Sunrise 06:57 am | Dhuhr 12:22 pm | Asr 03:19 pm | Maghrib 05:41 pm | Isha 07:00 pm |
Georgian Date 20th December | Day Friday | Fajr 05:39 am | Sunrise 06:58 am | Dhuhr 12:23 pm | Asr 03:20 pm | Maghrib 05:42 pm | Isha 07:00 pm |
Georgian Date 21st December | Day Saturday | Fajr 05:40 am | Sunrise 06:58 am | Dhuhr 12:23 pm | Asr 03:20 pm | Maghrib 05:42 pm | Isha 07:01 pm |
Georgian Date 22nd December | Day Sunday | Fajr 05:40 am | Sunrise 06:59 am | Dhuhr 12:24 pm | Asr 03:21 pm | Maghrib 05:43 pm | Isha 07:01 pm |
Georgian Date 23rd December | Day Monday | Fajr 05:41 am | Sunrise 06:59 am | Dhuhr 12:24 pm | Asr 03:21 pm | Maghrib 05:43 pm | Isha 07:02 pm |
Georgian Date 24th December | Day Tuesday | Fajr 05:41 am | Sunrise 07:00 am | Dhuhr 12:25 pm | Asr 03:22 pm | Maghrib 05:44 pm | Isha 07:03 pm |
Georgian Date 25th December | Day Wednesday | Fajr 05:42 am | Sunrise 07:00 am | Dhuhr 12:25 pm | Asr 03:22 pm | Maghrib 05:45 pm | Isha 07:03 pm |
Georgian Date 26th December | Day Thursday | Fajr 05:42 am | Sunrise 07:01 am | Dhuhr 12:26 pm | Asr 03:23 pm | Maghrib 05:45 pm | Isha 07:04 pm |
Georgian Date 27th December | Day Friday | Fajr 05:42 am | Sunrise 07:01 am | Dhuhr 12:26 pm | Asr 03:23 pm | Maghrib 05:46 pm | Isha 07:04 pm |
Georgian Date 28th December | Day Saturday | Fajr 05:43 am | Sunrise 07:01 am | Dhuhr 12:26 pm | Asr 03:24 pm | Maghrib 05:46 pm | Isha 07:05 pm |
Georgian Date 29th December | Day Sunday | Fajr 05:43 am | Sunrise 07:02 am | Dhuhr 12:27 pm | Asr 03:25 pm | Maghrib 05:47 pm | Isha 07:05 pm |
Georgian Date 30th December | Day Monday | Fajr 05:44 am | Sunrise 07:02 am | Dhuhr 12:27 pm | Asr 03:25 pm | Maghrib 05:48 pm | Isha 07:06 pm |
Georgian Date 31st December | Day Tuesday | Fajr 05:44 am | Sunrise 07:02 am | Dhuhr 12:28 pm | Asr 03:26 pm | Maghrib 05:48 pm | Isha 07:07 pm |
There you have it, the latest prayer times in Abu Dhabi for December 2024. You can now easily keep up with your daily prayers with this schedule of namaz times in Abu Dhabi. We will update this post every month, so keep an eye out for the Muslim prayer time in Abu Dhabi.
Let’s look at the answers to some common questions regarding the Abu Dhabi prayer timings.
The time for Friday prayer in Abu Dhabi is 01:15 pm.
Those living in the neighbouring emirate can check out the daily prayer times in Dubai.
Mosques in Abu Dhabi serve as more than just places of worship for Muslims. The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, in particular, is a cultural landmark that promotes Islamic traditions and architecture. It is also one of the few places offering mosque tours in the UAE for non-Muslim visitors and tourists.
For more informative posts on life in Abu Dhabi and beyond, follow MyBayut. You can also stay updated on life in the UAE by joining the MyBayut community on Facebook.