Inspirational quotes by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai. He is internationally known as a progressive leader and the great mind behind the incredible transformation of the emirate of Dubai into a leading business and tourism hub in the region.
Carrying forward the rich legacy of his father (Late) His Highness Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed al Maktoum, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed has influenced the lives of hundreds of UAE residents and people beyond the borders. Not many individuals experience the same level of success as a leader, a father, a poet and a knight. To benefit from his wisdom and knowledge and achieve success in daily life, we put have put together some of the most memorable H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid quotes.
This post highlights some of the most famous quotes of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed on different subjects to give you a good idea of his vision and foresight. His unique, perceptive viewpoints have helped Dubai establish itself as a dynamic business community and a city with world-class infrastructure and superior digital and telecommunications networks.
On a global and regional level, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid has played a pivotal role in maintaining peace and creating an environment where people can prosper. At home, the leadership qualities of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has changed the outlook of Dubai and helped the emirate move closer to its goal of becoming a smart city to rival the most sophisticated business hubs around the world. These quotes of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed regarding leadership are inspirational and showcase the great leader’s commitment to the growth of his country and his people.
- “There is a world of difference between a leadership that is based on love and respect, and one that is based on fear.”
- “A true leader is one who creates a favourable environment to bring out the energy and ability of his team. A great leader creates more great leaders, and does not reduce the institution to a single person.”
- “Good leadership puts the interests of the community as a whole before those of any specific group. The credibility of leadership can only be established through action and not words.”
- “Change or you will be changed: leaders who neglect the good of their people will be forsaken. Leadership is a service, not a gateway to privilege.”
- “Those who lead from the top of the pyramid end up leading only those on top.”
- “The word impossible is not in the leader’s dictionaries. No matter how big the challenges, strong faith, determination and resolve will overcome them.”
- “By being humble in times of triumph and success, a leader provides a glowing example to everyone.”
- “A true leader does not derive power from his position, but from his ethics, from people’s love for him, and from his knowledge, education and excellence in his field of work.”
- “We spend our entire lives acquiring skills and qualifications and adding to our wealth. However, we will not understand the real meaning of life unless we start giving to those in need. We cannot be contented at heart until we start giving.“
- “Good governance is about nothing more or less than creating happiness. It really is that simple.“
His Highness, on numerous occasions, has shed light on the relationship between the UAE and its citizens, promoting an idea of a country that is home for everyone.
- “Our homeland is the beating heart within us, the soul that runs through us, the love that flows in our veins, and the foremost of all things. We would give up our lives for it.”
- “Our pride stems from the fact that we are a country where everyone thrives equally regardless of their differences.”
- “We are building a new reality for our people, a new future for our children, and a new model of development.”
- “Dubai will never settle for anything less than first place.”
- “I want Dubai to be number one. Not in the region, but in the world. Number one in everything: high education, health, and housing. I want to give my people the highest way of living.”
His Highness in numerous speeches has referred to the importance of scientific progress and providing a platform for the youth of the UAE to develop. Hope Probe was one such mission that showcased how much UAE has accomplished in recent years.
- “The Hope probe’s historic arrival to Mars is the greatest celebration of the 50th anniversary of our country. It sets the beginning of the next 50 years with boundless ambitions and dreams.”
- “With more than 5 million hours of work and over 200 Emirati male and female engineers, our goal is to give hope to all Arabs that we are able to compete with other nations and peoples.”
One of the highlights of His Highness’ cultural approach is his stance on tolerance. His speeches and quotes often touch upon the need for being open-minded towards everyone.
- “Tolerance increases strength and resilience, and helps establish a global, cohesive society.”
- “We want the UAE to be the global reference point for a tolerant culture, via its policies, laws and practices.”
- “Tolerance is no catchphrase, but a quality we must cherish and practice. It must be woven into the fabric of our society to safeguard our future and maintain the progress we have made.”
- “Tolerance is a universal value, and Ghaf is our authentic national tree, a source of life and symbol of stability in the middle of the desert. Under its shadows, our ancestors gathered to consult on matters related to their daily lives. In the Year of Tolerance, we chose the Ghaf as a logo for all of us to live by the principles of tolerance, coexistence and diversity.”
- “We must strive for an intellectual and cultural renaissance recognising that development and stability are possible only through tolerance.”
They say that if you want to succeed, have good role models and follow their approach to life. Sheikh Mohammed has always preached a humble, yet driven approach towards life.
- “Life was created simple and it is important to live it as such. Simplicity is inherent; it leads to peace of mind and tranquillity.”
- “I live a simple life, my life away from leadership is very simple. I wake up early, clean up and pray. I have breakfast with my family. Sometimes I visit my friends, have a cup of coffee, or visit shopping malls and have lunch at a restaurant one of them recommends and see people. This simple life makes me happy.”
- “We will continue without halt or rest, for halting is a waste of time.”
- “It is such a beautiful life, but many people spend it worrying, burdened and frowning. You can easily see the beauty of life in the laughter of a child, the tenderness of a mother, the smile of a friend or the love of a compassionate wife.”
- “I believe that positive energy and optimism help us to take up any challenge in life and to succeed in even the most difficult tasks. I also believe that positive energy is contagious: we can transmit it to others.”
- “Life is an extraordinary gift some people appear not to appreciate. In every breath and scent, every touch and sight we are gifted by new experience and the chance to feel the richness of experience. Every sound we hear, from the song of a bird to the harshness of an angry voice, is a miracle.”
- “We may not live for hundreds of years, but the products of our creativity can leave a legacy long after we are gone.”
- “We are at the start of the road to our vision, for every peak we reach overlooks the next. Only those who thrive to achieve are on top.”
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum has been a vocal advocate of the need to support women and encourage their equal contributions towards society. From his quotes, it is clear that he believes in cultivating a culture that provides women with opportunities for growth and development.
- “Our job is to provide an environment that unlocks women’s potential – one that protects their dignity and femininity, helps them create the necessary balance in their lives, and values their talents and potential. Given this environment, I am confident that women will perform nothing short of miracles.”
- “Behind every great community stand great women, leading each generation and raising our families and nation higher.”
- “Reviving women’s history will revive the memory of our people and the history of our nation”
- “I have said it loud and clear: Beware, men, lest women deprive you of all the leadership positions in the country.”
- “That is the mother, she never ate until she had seen us first, and never rested until we slept, and was never happy unless we were sad.”

A long time ago, Sheikh Mohammed envisioned a new image for Dubai. A place for the youth of the world to come together, innovate and achieve true greatness. He has certainly succeeded in achieving his goal. Young men and women have contributed to the success of the city in the past two decades and the young generation today has plenty of opportunities at their disposal.
- “Most of our nation is made up of our youth. Our future is in their hands. We are a young country, proud of its youth.”
- “We steadfastly support our youth, and will empower them to achieve the highest levels of innovation and creativity in all fields.”
- “The future is in the hands of UAE youth, and they are the bet of the country for a brighter future.”
- “The youth should play a key part in this mega event (Expo2020) and get opportunities to observe, learn and contribute creative ideas so that they can develop innovative solutions for creating a better future for our region and the world.”
- “Our young country was built by the hands and achievements of youth. Youth is our strength and speed is our treasure for the future.”
- “The youth should be equipped with science and knowledge as they are the sole, constant, dominant weapons in this life.”
Despite carrying the huge responsibility of governance and leading the nation, His Highness has always found time for his family. He understands and emphasises the role family plays in everyone’s life. Hence on numerous occasions, he has urged people to cherish their loved ones.
- “I do not impose my opinions on my children, but give them freedom of choice; this is how my father raised me.”
- “My mother, may her soul rest in peace, shaped my personality; thanks to her, I have acquired many values, good traits and skills.”
- “The greatest influence was my father. From him, I learnt to be patient and to deliberate before passing judgement.”
- “The best time for a man is the time he spends with his family.”
- “Our value in life is defined by what we do. Achievement is similar to love, they both grow by sacrifice and both are essential for life.”
The world credits His Highness for turning around the fortunes of Dubai. His vision and dedication were the key drivers of change and the city we see today is a product of his foresight and vision.
- “The world waits for no one – those who do not learn and evolve can stumble and often fall.”
- “Whoever convinces himself that he is not worthy of the first position has doomed himself to failure from the very beginning.”
- “Toil and production are two distinguishing characteristics of a creative man.”
- “A few mistakes made by a person working productively cost far less than a person paralyzed by laziness or fear.”
- “The race for excellence has no finish line.”
- “Human beings, their ideas, innovations, dreams, and connections, are the capital of the future. Because where great minds go today, great things will follow tomorrow.”
- “Failure is not falling to the ground; it is remaining there once you have fallen and the greatest failure is when you decide not to stand up again.”
- “Competition always makes you stronger and better. Competition is feared only by the weak.”
- “I learn from the youngest and am still at the beginning of the road with no arrogance.”
- “He who enjoys his work adds five days to his week.”
- “The impossible cannot be where there are perseverance and faith. There is no impossible in life.”
- “Most people talk; we do things. They plan; we achieve. They hesitate; we move ahead. We are living proof that when human beings have the courage and commitment to transform a dream into reality, there is nothing that can stop them.”
- “Determination, strategy and vision for the future are our real resources in the quest for excellence and success.“
- “Do not underestimate your thoughts, because your energy, determination, success, and even health, are directly related to positive thoughts.”
- “I don’t like to see someone who does not have a hobby, sport or passion in life. Idleness is not only an attitude towards work; it starts with the mind.”
- “I once read an article in a foreign newspaper saying: luck smiles back at Dubai. I respond: when they want to diminish your achievements, they attribute them to luck.”
Dubai is a real example of the success of an entrepreneurial spirit. People from different countries come to Dubai to start highly successful businesses.
- “Everybody starts small. We all begin life as a single cell. Every business starts as one person with an idea. How fast you go, how far you get, is in your hands. The bigger your vision, the bigger your achievement will be. Will you stumble on the way? Perhaps, but we cannot let fear keep us small. We have to be brave to be big.”
- “To take a risk and fail is not a failure. The real failure is to fear to take any risk.”
- “When you do what you like, you won’t feel like you are doing work.”
- “From crisis emerge men determined to succeed.”
The Founding Fathers of the UAE had a profound impact on the people and their decisions laid the foundation of this modern and beautiful country. Read our article on the achievements of the Founding Fathers of the UAE to learn more about their contributions to the UAE’s success.
The history of Dubai is fascinating and intriguing. A good start to your learning process would be to read our comprehensive post on the history of Dubai.
That concludes our list of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum quotes. Under his prudent and caring leadership, Dubai has become a global leader in business, finance, tourism and real estate. There are lessons for all of us in his sayings. Following these principles, we can achieve success regardless of our aims in life.
The UAE we see today reflects the greatness of its leaders, their abilities and the efforts they’ve put in over the years to help the country evolve into one of the best and most progressive in the world. For more wisdom and inspiration, consider these famous quotes of H.H (the late) Sheikh Zayed.
To learn more about the UAE, you can also read up about the UAE Royal Families and their contributions to the country.