All you need to know about the UAE’s Ministry of Justice
The Constitution of the UAE came into effect on the 2nd December 1971, providing a framework for the division of power and jurisdiction of various government entities and ministries. One of those entities, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), plays a vital role in the functionality of the country. With the instigation of various legislative measures over the years, the structure and role of the MoJ has evolved as per the state’s requirements. Here’s an overview of the UAE Ministry of Justice, its mission and the different services it offers.
The Father of the Nation, the late His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, developed a legal system based on equity and justice. The Ministry of Justice has provided oversight and active support to ensure the rule of law and protect people’s rights and liberties.
According to Federal Law No. (1), issued in the year 1972, the jurisdiction and the functions of the Ministry of Justice pertains to the following:
- Provide oversight, i.e. supervision and regulate all financial and administrative affairs of the federal courts in the UAE.
- Work on draft laws that pertain to the federal public prosecution, federal judiciary and general amnesty from the judgments issued by the federal courts.
- Examine the fatwas, studies and legal matters required for the functioning of all the federal ministries, rules and regulations set by ministries and the formulation of draft laws.
- Prepare draft legislation linked to the artistic, and industrial property, expropriation for the public interest, companies and procedures before civil and criminal courts, laws on real estate market, laws of protection of literary, civil and commercial procedures laws, laws of extradition of criminals, penal law and copyrights.

Ministry of Justice services can be broadly categorised into three sections. Here’s an overview of the three categories and the services they provide.
The list of Ministry of Justice services offered to the government includes:
- Transfer of convict
- Review of government entities contracts
- Request to vacate the property and deliver it to the applicant
- Request to sell the property of the respondent
- Request to omit
- Request to correct a material error in the judgment or record
- Request for the conclusion of agreements and memorandums of international judicial cooperation
- Representing the government agencies in arbitration disputes
- Representing the government agencies before the executive departments
- Representing the government agencies before the different degrees of litigation
- Recovery of the wanted
- Preparation, review and formulation of legislations
- Issuing legal opinions
- Inquiries in the legal and judicial fields related to international cooperation
- Extradition of the wanted
- Assistance in civil and commercial matters (foreign state)
- Application to Subscribe in the Official Gazette
- Application to purplish in the Official Gazette
- Application to purchase Official Gazette Publication
The list of Ministry of Justice services for businesses includes:
- Suspension of the license of the private notary
- Request to vacate the property and deliver it to the applicant
- Request to sell the property of the respondent
- Request to open a branch of the Private Notary’s Office
- Request to omit
- Request to correct a material error in the judgment or record
- Request to add a language to a legal translator
- Request instalment or repayment period
- Request for suspension or extending the suspension of a legal translator
- Request for suspension of execution
- Request for refund of fees
- Request for objection to fees
- Request for file transfer to accounts
- Renewal of the registration of Private Notary
- Renewal of a specialists firm’s subscription
- Registration of a specialists firm
- Inquiries in the legal and judicial fields related to international cooperation
The list of Ministry of Justice services for individuals includes:
- Writing and authentication of contracts and deeds
- Suspension of expert registration
- Start Service Service Info
- Request to vacate the property and deliver it to the applicant
- Request to transfer the registration of a lawyer’s representative
- Request to specify a hearing for a suspended or pending claim
- Request to sell the property of the respondent
- Request to renew the registration of a legal translator
- Request to renew the registration of a lawyer
- Request to recover a passport
- Request to postpone the training period
- Request to photocopy the conservation decision
- Request to photocopy file/case documents
- Request to open a branch of the Private Notary’s Office
- Request to omit
- Request to meet a member of prosecutors
- Request to imprison the respondent
- Request to extract dead body
- Request to enter and intervene in the case
- Request to deposit money in favour of a deceased person
- Request to correct a material error in the judgment or record
- Request to change the law firm for training
- Request to change a hearing date
- Request to cancel the registration of a lawyer representative\
- Request to bring an inmate
- Request to be involved in the execution file
- Request to amend claim amount
- Request to advertise Islam
- Request to address the competent authorities
- Request to add a presentation (Superior)
- Request the recovery of the financial amount deposited in the case as collateral
- Request the action of the stay
- Request renewal of a case after cancellation
- Request petition to reconsider
- Request permission to plead in a particular case
- Request of executive status on deeds
- Request of acceptance to appeal on judgments
- Request interpretation of a judgment
- Request instalment or repayment period
- Request for valuation of funds or property
- Request for transfer of notary
- Request for the photocopying of case file
- Request for termination of community service/measure
- Request for suspension of execution
- Request for sale of attached Items by public auction
- Request for reservation of funds and property
- Request for the representation of the employer
- Request for registering execution complication
- Request for refund of a fine difference
- Request for refund of fees
- Request for recovery of secretariats and documents
- Request for recovering financial bail
- Request for recovering bail
- Request for receipt of original documents
- Request for postponement of the filing of the report
- Request for postponement/submission of a session
- Request for payment of fees
- Request for opposition
- Request for objection to fees
- Request for name clearing
- Request for marriage permission
- Request for a marriage contract
- Request for liquidation of bail
- Request for an instalment of the fine fined
- Request for inquiry (Case)
- Request for increased fees
- Request for health release
- Request for following up on enforcement procedures
- Request for file transfer to accounts
- Request for exemption or dismissal of the fine
- Request for disbursement of the amount deposited in the execution
- Request for disbursement of a secretariat
- Request for custody accounting
- Request for cancellation of a reservation of funds and property
- Request for appointing a Judicial guard for Attached Items
- Request for appeal from the Public Prosecution
- Request for an international arrest warrant
- Request for address screening
- Request for a respondent’s bail
- Request for a waiver
- Request a transfer or deposit of funds to the account
- Request a copy of the judgment/decisions or orders
- Renewal of the registration of Private Notary
- Renewal of expert registration
- Renewal of a lawyer representative registration period.
- Registration of working lawyer
- Registration of Private Notary
- Registration of order of payment
- Registration of legal translator
- Registration of execution file
- Registration of disputes before alternative litigation systems
- Registration of cases before federal courts of the first instance
- Registration of cases before federal courts of appeal
- Registration of appeals before the Federal Supreme Court
- Registration of an order on a petition
- Registration of a trainee lawyer
- Registration of a non-employed lawyer
- Registering of delegation file in execution
- Register an appeal against the ruling of the enforcement judge
- Provide a financial/personal bail
- Lawyer’s representative registration
- Issuing a certificate from the reality of the records
- Issue a replacement for a lost card
- Issuance of a spitting image from a previous deed
- Inquiry about Properties of a litigant
- Inquiries in the legal and judicial fields related to international cooperation
- Expert registration
- Edit lawyer’s information
- Cancellation request for a travel ban order
- Cancellation of suspension of expert registration
- Cancellation of contracts and deeds
- Attestation of official deeds
- Assistance in criminal matters
- Applications of monies of minors incapacitated and absent persons
- Application to receive a dead body
- Application to affix executory wording on a judgment
- Application of representation in execution
- Application of affidavits and authentication
- Application for visiting an inmate
- Application for travel ban order
- Application for ‘to whom it may concern certificate’ in courts
- Application for replacement of financial or personal bail – Public Prosecution/Court
- Application for renewal of the registration of a lawyer’s representative
- Application for registration of a lawyer in a case
- Application to postpone the imposition of punishment restricted to the convicted person’s freedom
- Application for Passport/Residence renewal of the respondent
- Application for Passport and Residence renewal
- Application for issuance of a ‘to whom it may concern certificate’ in Public Prosecution
- Application for issuance of a ‘to whom it may concern certificate’ for Legal Services
- Application for grievance
- Application for further pleading for reserved cases
- Application for filing petition
- Application for extension of practical training
- Application for exemption from fees
- Application for depositing funds or movables
- Application for Depositing amounts in favour of the complainant/On the case
- Application for deferment of fees
- An application submitted by the convicted person or his agent for postponement of execution in a restricted punishment
- Accept or reject the temporary distribution list
- A request from the deceased’s relatives to receive the body

The Ministry of Justice provides the following e-services to facilitate citizens and expats:
- e-Lawyer System
- Minor Affairs System
- e-Zawaj System
- e-Refund System
- Smart Family Counseling App
- E-Notary System
- e-Filing System
- E-Tawtheqat System
- Translators System Management
- Translators System Management
- Experts System Management
- Legal dictionary
The official Ministry of Justice website has information and archives related to:
- Specific court judgements
- Laws and regulations
- A list of terrorists
- A guidebook for judicial cooperation requests in criminal matters
- Statistics of court cases
- Number of lawyers in the UAE
- Number of legal experts in the UAE
- Number of translators in the UAE
- Union Supreme Court Statistics
- Bilateral judicial agreements on International Judicial Cooperation and Communication with the International Cooperation Department
The Ministry of Justice does offer legal services free of charge provided the set criteria are met.
Ministry of Justice in Abu Dhabi is located in Khalifa City (A), Sector 133, Street 12.
Dubai residents can find the Ministry of Justice office in Al Qusais 2, behind the Ministry of Education, near Al Twar Center.
You can call the Ministry of Justice on +971-2-692-1000.
Read our guide on the role of Sharia Law in the UAE to get a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
The Ministry of Justice ensures peace in the country by providing the legal system to solve disputes. You can read about Dubai courts and look at their functioning in the UAE. The modern functions of the Ministry of Justice are true to the vision of the Founding Father of the country, H.H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Similarly, other UAE ministries such as the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, are working to make the country a better place.
Want to learn about different UAE ministries? Visit MyBayut.