4 Customer Service Tricks Every Agent (& Every Business) Needs To Know In 2018
Every new year brings a new set of predictions with it. And planning how you are going to make 2018 a banner year takes up all your efforts no matter what your industry is.
An aspect that often gets ignored in the big picture is customer service. “We have always done it this way,” or worse, “no one cares about service, they just care about price” become the norms with which businesses regard this function. We at Bayut.com believe that customer service can make or break your business. Your products and services can be par excellence but if you fail to create a human connection with the end-user, listening, acknowledging and addressing their needs and wants, your business is bound to suffer.
This becomes especially important in real estate where high-value transactions are waiting to happen. Take the cab industry for example. New companies have built entire businesses around the idea that customers want a level of service that is missing in traditional taxis. If people want customer service during a quick and inexpensive cab ride, we assure you they want the same in property transactions where the stakes are high.
Here are four customer service tips to help agents and agencies create a competitive edge in 2018:
1. Understand your customers’ expectations and deliver

Buyers and renters in UAE have lamented the poor service levels in real estate transactions for years and they still do. Think your clients don’t care about service? Spend a few minutes reading chat groups and forums; you will be convinced otherwise. Every year the customer expects more service from every industry. And if you aren’t keeping up, customers will switch to an agency that is addressing their needs, providing excellent service and representing properties that are priced to sell.
2. Personalize your delivery and service

Going through the same motions for every customer is guaranteed to prevent success. This type of questioning needs to go, “May I have the reference number?” “Is this cash or mortgage” “What is your maximum budget?” And be replaced with “Sarah, I’d love to meet you and understand what your needs are. Are you available tomorrow to discuss your budget range and preferred areas – or if tomorrow doesn’t work for you when is the best time to arrange a quick meeting?” In order to be successful, it is imperative you understand what each client wants, spend some time getting to know them and deliver a personalized experience. Wouldn’t you rather buy from someone who asks about your kids?
3. Keep it simple

A sure-shot way to gain an edge over your competitors is to make each contact point easy. That means property listings that make sense, photos that show the layout of the entire house, descriptions that are specific to each individual property, and helpful, informative staff. No client wants to call for information to have a lengthy conversation asking for their name, number, reference number and whether it’s for sale or rent, only to be responded with “Okay the listing agent isn’t here let me give you his/her number and they will call you back.” The customer received no useful information and will most likely continue to call until he/she gets through to an agent who can help.
4. React and respond quickly

Clients want to be called back quickly and they want answers. If a client sends an email – they want a quick response. Waiting hours to call a client back or to respond to an email is not going to give a competitive edge in 2018. We guarantee in the time it took for you to call back, they have been calling other agents and the first agent to respond quickly and say, “What exactly are you looking for and how can I help?” will get the business.
Are there other things you can do? You bet there are! Sign up for one of Bayut Academy’s workshops and get expert advice on how to take your real estate skills to the next level. The workshops are free of charge for our subscribers. What are you waiting for? Up your customer service, sales and communication skills for 2018 and get ahead.
Email Caroline, our Senior Manager Customer Experience at academy@bayut.com and reserve your seat today!