Viridis Tower A, Viridis Residence and Hotel Apartments, DAMAC Hills 2 (Akoya by DAMAC), Dubai
429 sqft
Well Maintained | BIG Unit | Pool Park
Viridis Tower D, Viridis Residence and Hotel Apartments, DAMAC Hills 2 (Akoya by DAMAC), Dubai
Property authenticity was validated on 11th of December
429 sqft
Investors Deal | Good ROI | Fully Furnished
Viridis Tower A, Viridis Residence and Hotel Apartments, DAMAC Hills 2 (Akoya by DAMAC), Dubai
Property authenticity was validated on 6th of December
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423 sqft
Prime Location | Golf View | Ample Space
Viridis Tower C, Viridis Residence and Hotel Apartments, DAMAC Hills 2 (Akoya by DAMAC), Dubai
Property authenticity was validated on 4th of February