Nad Al Sheba Gardens 1, Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
Residential PlotArea:
10,010 sqft
Single Row | Great Location | Motivated Seller
Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
Residential PlotArea:
10,875 sqft
Corner Plot | Prime Location | Multiple Options
Nad Al Sheba Gardens 1, Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
Property authenticity was validated on 17th of September
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Residential PlotArea:
10,545 sqft
Big Plot | Prime Location | Multiple Options
Nad Al Sheba Gardens 1, Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
Property authenticity was validated on 17th of September
Residential PlotArea:
5,000 sqft
Nad Al Sheba G+1 | Freehold | prime location
Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
Residential PlotArea:
10,013 sqft
Multiple Options I Great Investment I Free Hold I
Nad Al Sheba Gardens 1, Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
Property authenticity was validated on 17th of September
Residential PlotArea:
10,013 sqft
Nad Al Sheba G+1 | Freehold | Fully Paid
Nad Al Sheba Gardens, Nad Al Sheba 1, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai