How many penthouses are listed for sale in Orise by Beyond?
On Bayut, the number of currently listed penthouses is 1.
Which locations in Orise by Beyond are known for their penthouses?
Locations popular for buying penthouses are as follows:
How much do the asking sale prices vary for penthouses in Orise by Beyond?
The asking prices of penthouses in Orise by Beyond listed on Bayut vary from AED 23,000,000 to AED 23,000,000.
How much do penthouses cost on average in Orise by Beyond?
According to the last 6 months' listings on Bayut, penthouses in Orise by Beyond have an average asking price of AED 23,000,000. The prices can vary depending on the property’s size, type, condition, etc.
Are there any good schools near Orise by Beyond?
If you are seeking top schools near Orise by Beyond, here's what is recommended:
- New Academy School
- Ambassador School
- Ambassador Kindergarten
Which preschools can be found near Orise by Beyond?
Consider the following when looking for well-known preschools in the vicinity of Orise by Beyond:
- Cambridgeshire Nursery Al Mankhool
- New Dubai Nursery Early Learning Center
- British Orchard Nursery Bur Dubai
Which agencies have the highest listings of penthouses for sale in Orise by Beyond?
These agencies are in the lead with the highest number of penthouses in Orise by Beyond listed for sale:
- Xperience Realty Real Estate