What is the cost range for buying an off plan property in Shoumous Residential Complex?
The price range for off plan properties in Shoumous Residential Complex starts at AED 833,250 and goes up to AED 7,494,000 on Bayut.
How many off plan listings are available on Bayut in Shoumous Residential Complex?
Bayut offers a selection of 1,439 off plan residential properties for sale in Shoumous Residential Complex at the moment.
How much is the average price for off plan properties listed in Shoumous Residential Complex?
According to Bayut's listings, the average asking price of an off-plan property in Shoumous Residential Complex is AED 3,563,073. Prices can fluctuate based on the type, size and location of the property.
Did the asking prices of off plan properties in Shoumous Residential Complex go up or down recently?
Off plan real estate asking prices in Shoumous Residential Complex experienced a +8% change on Bayut. Dynamic market conditions and new developments can result in shifts in property prices.
Which agencies have the most off plan property listings in Shoumous Residential Complex?
The highest off plan property inventory on Bayut in Shoumous Residential Complex is held by these agencies:
- Mtown Real Estate
- K A Homes Properties
- First & Top Real Estate