Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1, Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Jebel Ali, Dubai
Commercial PlotArea:
13,840 sqft
Labor Accommodation Plot | Corner |G+4| Leasehold
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1, Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Jebel Ali, Dubai
10,000 sqft
10000sqfts warehouse for Sale in Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Jebel Ali, Dubai
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Commercial PlotArea:
18,031 sqft
Free hold I Best Location I Grabe it I Ready to occupy I best price
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Jebel Ali, Dubai
Industrial LandArea:
1,000,000 sqft
Huge Plot for Warehouse or Industrial | GCC
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1, Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Jebel Ali, Dubai
Commercial PlotArea:
100,000 sqft
Jebel Ali Plot for G+M Industrial Warehouse
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1, Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Jebel Ali, Dubai
Mixed Use LandArea:
18,031 sqft
G+4 labour camp plot I Free Hold I Best location I Best price I Genuine
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1, Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Jebel Ali, Dubai
Property authenticity was validated on 14th of December
Labour CampArea:
78,000 sqft
Labour Camp | Great Location | Great Price
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1, Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Jebel Ali, Dubai