on 26th of February 2025AED8,450,000Office1Area:5,122 sqftSpacious Office | Combined 3 Units | High FloorAddax Port Office Tower, Addax Port, Al Reem Island, Abu DhabiAgent last visited this property on 26th of February Email Call
CheckedAED16,800,000OfficeArea:16,598 sqftFull Floor Office Space | Negotiable | HOT DEALTamouh Tower, Marina Square, Al Reem Island, Abu DhabiProperty authenticity was validated on 30th of January Email Call
AED1,350,000OfficeArea:1,599 sqftLuxury Apartment with Spa Facility at Radiant HeightAl Reem Island, Abu Dhabi Email Call
AED9,414,240OfficeArea:7,132 sqftFully Fitted Office | Sea View | High ROIAddax Port Office Tower, Addax Port, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi Email Call
AED9,250,000OfficeArea:4,866 sqftFully Fitted I Office Space | Ready To MoveSky Tower, Shams Gate District, Shams Abu Dhabi, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi Email Call