on 10th of March 2025AED11,500,000Villa44Area:6,131 sqftPERFECT FAMILY HOME | BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATEDThe Meadows 9, The Meadows, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 10th of March Email Call
Off-PlanAED11,200,000Villa45Area:6,027 sqftHAVEN | 4BED | GENUINEAlaya, Tilal Al Ghaf, DubaiHandoverQ3 2026Payment Plan55/45 Email Call
onOff-PlanAED11,500,000Villa45Built-up:5,843 sqftPlot:8,198 sqftFULL LAGOON VIEW | MOTIVATED SELLER | BEST PLOTPalmiera, The Oasis by Emaar, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 5th of MarchHandoverQ4 2027Payment Plan85/15 Email Call
CheckedAED11,750,000Villa45Area:5,900 sqftVacant | Single Row | Park FacingThe Meadows 8, The Meadows, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 3rd of March Email Call
onOff-PlanAED11,200,000Villa45Built-up:5,843 sqftPlot:10,188 sqft4 Beds | Emaar Oasis | New DevelopmentPalmiera, The Oasis by Emaar, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 11th of MarchHandoverQ4 2027Payment Plan85/15 Email Call