on 21st of March 2025AED5,500,000Villa33Area:2,751 sqftPRIVATE POOL | EXTENDED | FULLY UPGRADEDThe Springs 11, The Springs, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 21st of March Email Call
AED5,699,999Villa33Area:3,783 sqftUPGRADED |LARGE PLOT | HIGH QUALITY FINISHThe Springs 11, The Springs, Dubai Email Call
on 18th of March 2025AED5,099,998Villa33Area:4,135 sqftCorner Plot | Rented Type 3E | StandardThe Springs 9, The Springs, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 18th of March Email Call
on 4th of March 2025AED4,899,999Villa23Area:3,094 sqftTurn-Key | Private Pool | Fully UpgradedThe Springs 14, The Springs, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 4th of March Email Call
on 28th of February 2025AED4,500,000Villa23Area:2,227 sqftUnique | Fully Upgraded | Private PoolThe Springs 10, The Springs, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 28th of February Email Call
CheckedAED950,000ApartmentStudio1Area:653 sqftSTUDIO APT | VACANT SOON | METRO ACCESSMadison Residency, Barsha Heights (Tecom), DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 23rd of February Email Call
CheckedAED7,200,000Villa34Area:3,781 sqftSTANDARD TYPE 1E | LAKE | PRIVATE POOLThe Springs 4, The Springs, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 23rd of February Email Call