on 13th of March 2025AED3,100MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:484 sqftSpacious Full Furnished Studio In England ClusterZ-02, England Cluster, International City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 13th of March Email Call
CheckedAED2,999MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:463 sqftULTIMATE FURNISHED STUDIO IN FRANCE CLUSTERQ-01, France Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 27th of November Email Call
CheckedAED2,999MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:463 sqftHOT OFFER | FULL FURNISHED | FAMILY BUILDING | WITH BALCONYV-06, Russia Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 30th of November Email Call
CheckedAED2,999MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:463 sqftLUXURY FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN INTERNATIONAL CITYP-18, France Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 6th of February Email Call