on 3rd of March 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqft1 MONTH FREE ! NEW BUILDING| PETS ALLOWED| BIG & STANDARD KITCHEN | GREEN COMMUNITYThe Gardens Building 74, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 3rd of March Email Call
on 3rd of March 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqft1 MONTH FREE | BRAND NEW | MORE OPTIONS | PERFECT FOR FAMILY | PETS FRIEDNLY| GREENThe Gardens Building 81, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 3rd of March Email Call
on 15th of February 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqft1 MONTH FREE | BIG KITCHEN | NEW BUILDING | PETS | PERFECT FOR FAMILYThe Gardens Building 74, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 15th of February Email Call
on 15th of February 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqft1 MONTH FREE | NEWLY OPEN BUILDING | PERFECT FOR FAMILY | GREEN CUMMUNITYThe Gardens Building 74, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 15th of February Email Call
on 15th of February 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqft1 MONTH FREE| BIG KITCHEN| BRAND NEW | PERFECT FOR FAMILYThe Gardens Building 73, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 15th of February Email Call
on 15th of February 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqft1 MONTH FREE| BRAND NEW | GREEN COMMUNITY | AMENITIES | PETS FRIENDLYThe Gardens Building 74, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 15th of February Email Call
on 15th of February 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqft1MOINTH FREE | NEW BUILDING | PETS FRIENDLY | GREEN COMMUNITYThe Gardens Building 75, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 15th of February Email Call
on 16th of February 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqft1 MONTH FREE | AMENETIES | GREEN COMMUNITY | PERFECT FOR FAMILYThe Gardens Building 73, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 16th of February Email Call
on 15th of February 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqft1 MONTH FREE | NEWLY OPEN BUILDING | PETS FRIENDLY| GREEN COMMUNITY| PERFECT FOR FAMILYThe Gardens Building 75, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 15th of February Email Call
on 16th of February 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqft1 MONTH FREE | NEW BUILDING | SPACIOUS | BIG KITCHEN | GATED COMMUNITY| PETS FRIENDLY|The Gardens Building 73, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 16th of February Email Call
on 16th of February 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqft1 MONTH FREE | NEW BUILDING |SPACIOUS | PETS FRIENDLY | MULTIPLE OPTIONS | EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITYThe Gardens Building 74, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 16th of February Email Call
on 15th of February 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:709 sqft1 MONTH FREE | NEW BUILDING! MULTIPLE OPTIONS ! PETS FRIENDLY ! GREEN COMMUNITY | 2 PARKING FREEThe Gardens Building 74, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 15th of February Email Call