on 23rd of February 2025AED3,100MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:484 sqftCOMFY STUDIO II BEST FURNITURE II MONTHLY PAYMENTP-04, France Cluster, International City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 23rd of February Email Call
CheckedAED5,999MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:448 sqftINCLUDING BILLS II FURNISHED STUDIO WITH GYM, POOL & PARKING.Kensington Manor, JVC District 13, Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC), DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 26th of January Email Call
CheckedAED2,999MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:484 sqftNewly Furnished Ready To Move Apartment Available In International City || Near By The Bus Stop ||P-03, France Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 27th of December Email Call
CheckedAED3,100MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:463 sqftWELL FUNRIHSED STUDIO IN RUSSIA CLUSTERV-16, Russia Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 4th of February Email Call
CheckedAED3,100MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:463 sqftHOT OFFER II TOP FURNISHED STUDIO IN RUSSIA CLUSTER !!!V-06, Russia Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 1st of April Email Call
CheckedAED2,999MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:443 sqftMODERN FURNISHED STUDIO BY TOP CLASSEMR-23, Emirates Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 30th of December Email Call
CheckedAED3,100MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:463 sqftBEST FOR FAMILY II FURNISHED STUDIO FOR RENTP-10, France Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 27th of December Email Call
CheckedAED3,199MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:479 sqftHOT OFFER !!! Fully Furnished Studio Only AED 3199 !!!S-16, Spain Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 3rd of November Email Call
CheckedAED3,100MonthlyApartmentStudio1Area:433 sqftClassic Furnished Studio In Emirates ClusterEMR-21, Emirates Cluster, International City, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 20th of January Email Call