on 17th of March 2025AED610,000ApartmentStudio1Area:296 sqftBOULEVARD VIEW | MULTIPLE UNITS | MORTGAGE POSSIBLEAzizi Riviera 16, Azizi Riviera, Meydan One, Meydan City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 17th of March Email Call
on 24th of March 2025AED70,000YearlyApartment11Area:521 sqftSPACIOUS LAYOUT | POOL VIEW | CHILLER FREEAzizi Riviera 34, Azizi Riviera, Meydan One, Meydan City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 24th of March Email Call
on 17th of March 2025AED47,000YearlyApartmentStudio1Area:292 sqftBRAND NEW | CHILLER FREE | MAIN BOULEVARD BUILDINGAzizi Riviera 16, Azizi Riviera, Meydan One, Meydan City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 17th of March Email Call
on 23rd of March 2025AED48,000YearlyApartmentStudio1Area:331 sqftMULTIPLE UNITS | READY TO MOVE | CHILLER FREEAzizi Riviera 43, Azizi Riviera, Meydan One, Meydan City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 23rd of March Email Call
on 3rd of March 2025AED110,000YearlyShopArea:353 sqftSHELL & CORE | NEAR TO COMMON PARKING AREAAzizi Riviera 37, Azizi Riviera, Meydan One, Meydan City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 3rd of March Email Call
on 3rd of March 2025AED89,990YearlyShopArea:355 sqftMULTIPLE UNITS | SHELL AND COREAzizi Riviera 40, Azizi Riviera, Meydan One, Meydan City, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 3rd of March Email Call