on 29th of January 2025AED2,440,000Apartment12Area:906 sqftINVESTMENT | SPACIOUS | MOTIVATED SELLERThe Residence 5, The Residences, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 29th of January Email Call
on 8th of March 2025AED2,400,000Apartment12Area:965 sqftFULLY UPGRADED | VACANT NOW | SPACIOUSZanzebeel 1, Zanzebeel, Old Town, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 8th of March Email Call
on 8th of March 2025AED3,200,000Apartment23Area:1,509 sqftBURJ VIEWS | SPACIOUS | PRIME LOCATIONBahwan Tower, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 8th of March Email Call
on 8th of March 2025AED3,550,000Apartment23Area:1,412 sqft2 Bed | Newly Upgraded | Boulevard ViewStandpoint Tower 2, Standpoint Towers, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 8th of March Email Call
CheckedAED3,100,000Apartment23Area:1,258 sqft2 BED | PRIME LOCATION | INVESTMENTReehan 1, Reehan, Old Town, Downtown Dubai, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 19th of February Email Call
CheckedAED6,000,000Apartment34Area:1,509 sqftFull Burj View | Investment | 4PHPPAct One | Act Two Towers, Opera District, Downtown Dubai, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 19th of February Email Call
on 18th of February 2025AED9,200,000Apartment35Area:2,105 sqft3 BEDROOM | BURJ VIEW | VACANTBoulevard Point, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 18th of February Email Call
on 18th of February 2025AED11,500,000Apartment33Area:2,736 sqft3-BED | NEWLY UPGRADED | BURJ VIEWThe Residences West Podium, The Residences, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 18th of February Email Call
on 5th of March 2025AED2,400,000Apartment12Area:980 sqftLARGE LAYOUT | VACANT | BURJ VIEWBoulevard Central 2, Boulevard Central, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 5th of March Email Call
on 12th of February 2025AED12,500,000Apartment34Area:2,021 sqftUPGRADED | GREAT DEAL | CORNER UNITThe Address Sky View Tower 2, The Address Residence Sky View, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 12th of February Email Call
on 10th of February 2025AED3,400,000Apartment22Area:1,258 sqft2 BEDROOM | VACANT | SPACIOUS LAYOUTReehan 7, Reehan, Old Town, Downtown Dubai, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 10th of February Email Call
CheckedAED6,850,000Apartment23Area:1,639 sqftVACANT | 2 BED | FURNISHED | BURJ VIEWSOpera Grand, Downtown Dubai, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 20th of January Email Call