on 3rd of March 2025AED200,000YearlyTownhouse33Area:1,615 sqftDirect Park Access I Vacant I Brand NewRochester, The Park Villas, DAMAC Hills, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 3rd of March Email Call
CheckedAED220,000YearlyTownhouse33Area:1,614 sqftBrand New I Direct Park Access I Ready NowRochester, The Park Villas, DAMAC Hills, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 3rd of March Email Call
CheckedAED60,000YearlyApartment11Area:407 sqftHigh Floor I Fully Furnished I Golf Course ViewCarson Tower A, Carson - The Drive, DAMAC Hills, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 5th of March Email Call
CheckedAED420,000YearlyVilla57Area:4,943 sqftStandalone Villa I Move Now I Paramount FinishingPicadilly Green, DAMAC Hills, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 17th of February Email Call
on 3rd of March 2025AED260,000YearlyVilla44Area:2,057 sqftCorner Unit I Single Row I Direct Park AccessRochester, The Park Villas, DAMAC Hills, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 3rd of March Email Call