on 10th of February 2025AED65,000YearlyApartmentStudio1Area:432 sqftBRAND NEW | FULLY FURNISHED | MID FLOORPrime Residency 3, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 10th of February Email Call
on 7th of February 2025AED450,000YearlyVilla56Area:5,946 sqftCORNER UNIT | INTERNAL BACKING | TYPE AMurooj Al Furjan, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 7th of February Email Call
CheckedAED220,000YearlyTownhouse34Area:2,745 sqftSINGLE ROW | READY TO VIEW | LAYOUT BMurooj Al Furjan West, Al Furjan West, Al Furjan, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 20th of February Email Call
on 19th of February 2025AED300,000YearlyVilla45Area:3,617 sqftCORNER UNIT TYPEA | POOL ACC | LANDSCAPEDMurooj Al Furjan West, Al Furjan West, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 19th of February Email Call
on 12th of February 2025AED215,000YearlyTownhouse34Area:2,396 sqftTYPE B | OPPOSITE PAVILION | VACANT MARCHQuortaj, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 12th of February Email Call
on 26th of February 2025AED400,000YearlyVilla45Area:5,777 sqftCORNER UNIT | PRIVATE POOL | PARK BACKINGMurooj Al Furjan, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 26th of February Email Call
on 11th of February 2025AED540,000YearlyVilla56Area:6,460 sqftLUXURY | DRIVERS ROOM | POOL AND ELEVATORAl Furjan West, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 11th of February Email Call
on 7th of February 2025AED360,000YearlyVilla45Area:6,658 sqftVASTU COMPLIANT | SINGLE ROW | LANDSCAPEDMurooj Al Furjan, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 7th of February Email Call
CheckedAED230,000YearlyVilla34Area:2,449 sqftCorner Unit| Upgraded Townhouse | Single RowDubai Style, Al Furjan Villas, Al Furjan, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 29th of January Email Call
on 21st of February 2025AED225,000YearlyTownhouse34Area:2,731 sqftVASTU COMPLIANT | SINGLE ROW | LOWEST PRICEMurooj Al Furjan West, Al Furjan West, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 21st of February Email Call
CheckedAED300,000YearlyTownhouse34Area:2,562 sqft3 BED TH | CLOSE TO PARK | READY TO VIEWMurooj Al Furjan West, Al Furjan West, Al Furjan, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 13th of January Email Call
on 19th of February 2025AED280,000YearlyVilla44Area:3,852 sqftTYPE B | INTERNAL UNIT | LANDSCAPEDMurooj Al Furjan West, Al Furjan West, Al Furjan, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 19th of February Email Call