on 11th of March 2025AED200,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,326 sqftCREEK VIEW | CHILLER FREE | SPACIOUS LAYOUTThe Grand, Dubai Creek Harbour, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 11th of March Email Call
onOff-PlanAED8,000,000Residential PlotArea:4,778 sqftSTAND ALONE | BIG LAYOUT | GENUINE RESALESanctuary, Haven by Aldar, Dubailand, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 7th of March Email Call
CheckedAED1,300,000Apartment11Area:496 sqftGENUINE RESALE | INVESTOR DEAL | BIG BALCONYCollective 2.0 Tower B, Collective 2.0, Dubai Hills Estate, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 26th of February Email Call