on 25th of March 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqftLIMITED OFFER||*_ONE_MONTH_FREE*_|| New Building Closed To Metro 🚇The Gardens Building 75, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 25th of March Email Call
on 25th of March 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqftONE MONTH RENT FREE_*Ready to Move_* Close to Metro_* 1BHK in 87k/yrThe Gardens Building 74, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 25th of March Email Call
on 25th of March 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqftNewly Open Building☆(OFFER)ONE_MONTH_FREE☆Closed To Metro 🚇The Gardens Building 75, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 25th of March Email Call
on 25th of March 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqftNewly Open Building☆Luxury 2BHK With ONE_MONTH_FREE Near Metro 🚇The Gardens Building 75, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 25th of March Email Call
on 25th of March 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:710 sqftLIMITED OFFER||ONE_MONTH_FREE|| Closed To Metro 🚇The Gardens Building 75, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 25th of March Email Call
on 25th of March 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqft1_MONTH_FREE ¤ Spacious 2BHK Closed To Metro 🚇The Gardens Building 75, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 25th of March Email Call
on 25th of March 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:1,012 sqftPet-friendly☆Gated Community☆2BHK with ONE_MONTH_FREE ]The Gardens Building 75, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 25th of March Email Call
on 20th of March 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:850 sqftLIMITED OFFER_*ONE_MONTH_FREE*_Closed To Metro 🚇The Gardens Building 79, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 20th of March Email Call
on 20th of March 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:850 sqft|| ONE_MONTH_FREE_*New Building*_Pet-friendly ||The Gardens Building 79, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 20th of March Email Call
on 20th of March 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:850 sqftLIMITED OFFER_*ONE_MONTH_FREE*_ 1BHK Closed To Metro 🚇The Gardens Building 79, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 20th of March Email Call
on 20th of March 2025AED110,000YearlyApartment22Area:850 sqft|| Pet-friendly_*Spacious 2BHK with *One Month Free*||The Gardens Building 79, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 20th of March Email Call
on 20th of March 2025AED87,000YearlyApartment11Area:850 sqftONE_MONTH_FREE_*Pet-friendly*_New Building Closed To Metro 🚇The Gardens Building 79, The Gardens, DubaiAgent last visited this property on 20th of March Email Call