on 26th of February 2025AED120,000YearlyOfficeArea:926 sqftBest Price | Prime Location | Near MetroSheikha Noora Tower, Barsha Heights (Tecom), DubaiAgent last visited this property on 26th of February Email Call
CheckedAED125,000YearlyOfficeArea:916 sqftNear Metro | Prime Location | Chiller FreeSheikha Noora Tower, Barsha Heights (Tecom), DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 23rd of February Email Call
AED462,560YearlyOfficeArea:3,304 sqftHigh-Quality Office | Business Location | Near MetroAl Shafar Tower 1, Al Shafar Tower, Barsha Heights (Tecom), Dubai Email Call
CheckedAED152,000YearlyOfficeArea:1,216 sqftFurnished | Ready to Move | Prime LocationBarsha Business Square, Al Barsha 1, Al Barsha, DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 15th of January Email Call
CheckedAED378,200YearlyOfficeArea:1,892 sqftPrime Location | Perfect Office | UpcomingIcon Tower, Barsha Heights (Tecom), DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 9th of March Email Call
AED230,000YearlyOfficeArea:1,648 sqftNear Metro | Luxury Office | DEDConcord Tower, Dubai Media City, Dubai Email Call
CheckedAED199,800YearlyOfficeArea:1,582 sqftNear Metro | Prime Location | Ready to MoveAl Shafar Tower 1, Al Shafar Tower, Barsha Heights (Tecom), DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 25th of February Email Call
CheckedAED200,620YearlyOfficeArea:1,433 sqftPrime Location | Well Manage | Near MetroAl Shafar Tower 1, Al Shafar Tower, Barsha Heights (Tecom), DubaiProperty authenticity was validated on 24th of February Email Call